Food troubles with lunch time work buddies

I feel like this is going to sound really juvenile of me but I am just not sure how to tackle this. I have very nice coworkers, one of whom in particular is my boss. He loves to buy everyone food and drinks. He is fully aware of this healthy eating plan I'm on (majority of the time I'm not perfect lol). I bring my own food and water most days. He always offers to get me some food (its always fast food). I politely decline. He bugs me again. I politely remind him I have my own food. He pokes a little fun at my food and asks me again if I'm sure I don't want anything. I politely remind him I'm happy with my food and no thank you. He still buys me food.... I feel like part of it is because he likes feeling generous and the other part is because he eats fast food every day and seeing me eat a sandwich and fruit cup comparatively makes him feel some way about it. Either a misery loves company sort of way or a "one taco won't kill you" sort of way. Either way I don't want to just throw out the food but eating it throws my whole day's meal plan out of whack. Plus its my boss an I certainly don't want to offend him. But I just don't know how many more times I have to tell him I don't want it. Doesn't no mean no?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Just throw it away. You are politely declining his offer for food. He is obstinately insisting on buying you food. He doesn't care how you feel about it. There's no need to care how he feels about you throwing it away.
  • fit4lifemom
    fit4lifemom Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with throwing it away later. Keep saying no, then if he brings it anyway, just say thank-you and put it to the side and throw it away when he is not around. You have no obligation to eat it
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Be consistent. Say something like this every time he says anything: "Thank you, but I brought my own food to eat." Choose one sentence like that and repeat it several times per meal if necessary. (Called the Broken Record Technique)
    After a few days/weeks he might give up and move on to something else that is just as obnoxious. The guy seems to have boundary issues.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    At our office, people leave food they have ordered, and may have extra of in the kitchen with a note for others to take it.
    You can do the same thing, and someone else will surely eat it.
  • Sassiesue86
    Sassiesue86 Posts: 21 Member
    My boss at work always does this too. Its so sweet but i have said no everytime becus i always pack my own lunch and dont want it to go to waste. My boss eats her yummy food in front of me and i want it so bad but i will stick with eating mine and my boss always has remorse after she eats hers and i dont.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    there are good choices in fast food IF you do your homework ahead of time. If the boss wants to buy you lunch, great... find out where he is going, go online and check the nutritional value of all the foods offered there and place your order. I do not eat fast food very often, but when I visit my granddaughters, they love it when grandma takes them to McDonalds playland... McDonalds has great salads that are within an acceptable caloric range. You could even have a hamburger. If its a taco place, order a taco salad with dressing on the side... and NOT in a taco bowl. If it's Subway (or some other sub shop), order a veggie sub. That is my favorite go-to lunch... all veggies with a splash of honey mustard and a splash of sweet onion... around 200 calories. You can even make it a meal by choosing a diet drink and sliced apples. You can really plan ahead if you know the places the boss frequents... print off the nutritional values from those places and have them stored in your desk so you can glance at it quickly
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    lilbea89 wrote: »
    he eats fast food every day and seeing me eat a sandwich and fruit cup comparatively makes him feel some way about it. Either a misery loves company sort of way or a "one taco won't kill you" sort of way. Either way I don't want to just throw out the food but eating it throws my whole day's meal plan out of whack. Plus its my boss an I certainly don't want to offend him.

    This sounds right. He's using his power as a boss in pretty messed up ways.
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Be consistent. Say something like this every time he says anything: "Thank you, but I brought my own food to eat." Choose one sentence like that and repeat it several times per meal if necessary. (Called the Broken Record Technique)
    After a few days/weeks he might give up and move on to something else that is just as obnoxious. The guy seems to have boundary issues.

    This is what to do and mm hmm to bolded.
  • CaveGal
    CaveGal Posts: 29 Member
    Ah it is really frustrating. I had that with my last boss who would bring a donut/muffin/cake for everyone and give to each one of us individually so you felt forced to take one... mine usually ended up in a bin when he wasnt looking. Although it doesnt really solve the problem.. I agree with someone above me - you could always leave in the canteen/kitchen area with a note for other to eat it.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Offend him.

    He deserves it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Tell him "No thank you but I'd appreciate a raise".
  • ashaluna13
    ashaluna13 Posts: 5 Member
    I would firmly say thank you but I will not eat what you brought me. This diet is important to me and I want to keep it going well.
    Rinse and repeat if you have too. The broken record technique does work and is kind to well meaning but misguided people.

    You could just throw it out when he's not loking but then he learns nothing.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Just say "no". Really?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Ask him to get you a diet soda while he's out
  • Magic_Chicken
    Magic_Chicken Posts: 141 Member
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    At our office, people leave food they have ordered, and may have extra of in the kitchen with a note for others to take it.
    You can do the same thing, and someone else will surely eat it.

    same in my staff room
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Can you tell him that fast food makes you feel sick to your stomach or something?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    "I'm sure you have better ways to spend your money than buying me a lunch I won't eat."
  • FairBreez
    FairBreez Posts: 22 Member
    Idea above this post is a good one LOL. I used to work with all guys in an IT dept, and they'd get "meat lovers" pizza with a pan crust for everyone; I blotted the grease off mine, stripped the toppings off the crust (I wouldn't even do that now!) & had a salad with it. I ignored their comments and said "I'm trying to live longer and not die young, like my dad did." That usually shut them up! Your boss has control issues...hang in there and stand your ground, you're doing great!
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    Don't throw it out. That just seems so wasteful...If it were me, I'd have to sit him down and have a real talk with him, whether he's my boss or not. So long as it's kept nice and respectful there shouldn't be an issue. It's possible he's thick and needs extra explaining that you are making a lifestyle change and being given fast food on a daily basis is not a part of that change.

    Otherwise I would leave it out for someone else to take, like others suggested. At least where I work, if food is left out it will DEFINITELY be gone soon lol.