Tired of failure - time to accept support.. :-)

Hiya guys,

My name is Jo, I'm 25, female, from London!

I've always been a size 12(uk size), but while I was traveling in Oz during 2012 I put on 20-25lb eating crap and drinking a bit too much! I've been back for 9 months now, and planning to go away again at the end of this year (New Zealand this time). I desperately want to shift these two stone, and I've been failing miserably for the last 6 months. A big part of that is trying to do it on my own, I think. All my stupid friends are a size 8-10, which doesn't help!

I've also recently given up smoking weed, which has been somewhat of a long term habit.. but it definitely doesn't help with dieting.

I'm a member of a gym, but I know I'm not putting in as much effort as I could. I'm not a morning person, and after work I use the excuse of being too tired way too often.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here and hoping to get some support from fellow dieters.. I've been feeling pretty crap about myself for a while now, and I hate it. I miss having confidence, enjoying shopping for clothes, wearing dresses without feeling self conscious... and dating. I've pretty much stopped dating over the last 6 months because the thought of a guy seeing my body makes me wanna cringe!!

So, now things have got to change. I need my life back... I just need a community to occasionally help me get there. :-)

Nice to meet you all! xo


  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    Good luck with it!

    I'm from 'oop North, but feel free to add me as a friend if you like!:smile: