I need help :(



  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    If you are at school, go talk to the school counsellor (either high school or university) - it's free and they will listen (and hopefully help).

    Binging comes from both emotional and physiological issues - we can't help with the emotional issues (that's for the therapist). In terms of physiological issues, people who restrict their diet too much tend to binge to make up for it - most people can't help it as it's a biological drive. So, the best thing for you to do is to have a smaller deficit - don't set MFP up for a 2 lb a week loss, set it up for 1/2 lb for now. Eat back at least 1/2 your exercise calories. Let it be a slow loss as that will be more sustainable and won't lead to binging.

    If you can't get to see a therapist due to not being in school or being able to talk to your parents about needing one, then I would suggest checking out the self-help CBT here:
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    I was doing really well, on a two month streak, lost 5 lbs! And then I started bingeing again. I've got a SERIOUS problem with bingeing.
    Gained the 5 back, list the little muscle is gotten. Back to feeling sick and disliking myself every day. I'm trying to get back on track, but I don't get my support from my family. :/

    I feel for you, I know how it feels, I just started posting on these boards tonight and have been met with nothing but opinions, ridicule, and everyone has an answer and know what's wrong. Professionals don't always help, parents sometimes just don't understand, and a lot of people on here don't either, what about a friend, someone that's striving for the same goal? Lives near you maybe?
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    If your family doesn't support you, then lead by example. I know it's hard not to reach for those cravings, try to stay focused and no matter what try not to hate yourself.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You could try focusing on another goal...like mastering push-ups or running 5K or achieving a 30 minute high intensity interval training set

    Sometimes when we switch our focus away from the scales to a fitness goal we reap unexpected benefits: yes it can be inch loss / overall body composition but also improvements in mood, stamina, confidence and the ability to strut

    Try it for just a month
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Just keep going back to counting calories. One day you will decide you don't need to binge, you would rather lose weight and get healthy.
    It takes commitment to stay on track and count consistently.
    People on MFP can help you to a certain extent, but it is up to you to commit to taking better care of yourself, and loving yourself no matter what.
    Cheers, h.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Hazuki1 wrote: »

    She's a teenager showing indicators of disordered thinking and actions. A message board is not the right venue for help.

    Saying "enough with the talking to a professional" when that is the one truly logical and potentially helpful course of action is at best enabling unhealthy actions ... at worst encouraging them to the detriment of the OP.
    But she came here first for support, and all most people had to say was 'get professional help.' She said that she doesn't get support from her family, so getting professional help may be a challenge. People could have at least encouraged her in some way rather than just say 'get professional help.'

    When it comes to eating disorders, all we can do is encourage the person to seek guidance out. It can be harmful to help someone when you aren't familiar with the situation like this. A counselor can look into the reasons why she's doing it.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Hazuki1 wrote: »

    But she came here first for support, and all most people had to say was 'get professional help.' She said that she doesn't get support from her family, so getting professional help may be a challenge. People could have at least encouraged her in some way rather than just say 'get professional help.'

    If you're getting robbed, do you go to a message board for support? How about when your house is on fire? Mid heart attack or stroke? No to all of those .... same goes for an ED. "You go, girl, it's going to be ok" is not a substitute for the professional treatment required. It can be counterproductive, especially when people online become supportive of the behaviors themselves ... reinforcing an unhealthy lifestyle and creating mental and physical harm. There is a reason why EDs require specially trained personnel to treat them.
  • A couple of thoughts. If you are truly talking about binging, I agree that professional help along with community support would be best. I sometimes talk about binging, but I know my behavior is not actually binging. ..I will go of track and eat two desserts in a restaurant or at a party after a big meal. Once in awhile I will have a chocolate bar while I walk the dog. Those are my binges, not to make light of people with true binging disorders.
    Love yourself and know that you can change. I recently read The Shift by Tory someone from Good Morningo America. I was amazed at how similar her experience was to mine.
    In Dec 2011, my wt reached 216. I am 5th 30th tall and was 49 years old. I just decided it was enough. I was to big for a size 20. I had never seriously dieter although I had always felt fat.
    I lost 70 pound by July 2012 started exercising and at 52 feel great. I do sometimes go of track. ..summer road trips and Christmas and now have 10 pounds to get off. So a couple of lessons.

    I weigh 144 now and feel great. When I was in my 20 this wt felt fat. The difference was how I felt. That feeling made me behave and eat like a fast person. Now I belive I am fit and I behave and eat line a thin person.
    This is a daily choice. After decades of making fast choices it can be hard, but it gets a little easier. Look for triggers. When you make one bad choice, it is okay. ..it is your choice, just make a different one.

    The big thing for me. .I chose to avoid ALL refined carbs and sugar. These make me cravr more. If I have ketchup I want a big gooey cake. If I choose mustard I am fine. I no longer think about sweets.

    If you can control your environment.
  • loonylovegood0715
    loonylovegood0715 Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you everyone (: Perhaps I could go to a therapist but between going to a small school without one and my the fact that my parents would never ever pay for a therapist excludes therapy, at least until I can pay for one myself. And yeah, the bingeing is a real problem not just snacking, but I wish that were so! And does anyone have some suggestions for a fitness goal instead of a scale goal like rabbitjb said? And it's nice to know there's such a big place full of supporting people!
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    you could always listen to your body, how you sleep. energy, focus and even how your clothes fit, you could also measure your body stats as well.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    edited January 2015
    I hope I offer at least one helpful tip to you loonylovegood and hazuki1. It is true that you have to love yourself before you can achieve meaningful goals. This is because if you don't love yourself, you won't treat yourself right. Think of how you treat people that you dislike. You don't offer them the best foods, you don't exercise with them, and you don't help them manage their time so that they can achieve their goals.

    What a lot of us do is make great big issues out of our failings but think very little about our accomplishments. We need to flip this. Instead of concentrating on how you binged, think about the good things you did, all the good things, not just those related to weight loss. Did you try to help a friend through something difficult? Did you help your family in some way? Did you volunteer somewhere? When your mind tries to get into that track that berates you and scolds you and calls you names, force it out of that track and onto a good one "I helped my friend finish her homework, I did extra chores, I called my grandma ....." Etc. See what I mean?

    When you start liking yourself more, you'll start treating yourself better.
  • Missy022014
    Missy022014 Posts: 86 Member
    And does anyone have some suggestions for a fitness goal instead of a scale goal like rabbitjb said?

    What about running? The couch to 5K app is great. Running is an amazing way to clear your mind, the "runner high" is a real thing! It's a way to focus on something other than eating. Your goal could be to run a 5K. It doesn't require you to pay for anything (other than the $2.99 app) and you can run whenever you want. Maybe you'll get to the point that you can go for a run when you feel like binging.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    There are all kinds of weight loss and exercise challenges on MFP that you could join in on.
    You may find you feel more support if you are posting with a group of people with the same goal and you will be helping others achieve their goals by being supportive.
    A win/win situation.
    Try a: 5 lb in a month group, walking, running, squats, etc.
    Look to see if there is a 'same age group' group that you can join.
    Just keep working.
    Cheers, h.
  • clmmansell
    clmmansell Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    Such a coincidence that the Rabbi out of the box lesson today is so similar to the wisdom of 2snakeswoman. Essentially, doing good makes our sense of self bigger and more positive so we can live with small challenged...well he says it more humorously.

    I also like the advice : want what you already have and be grateful.

    Everyday is a new day to help out and be gentle with yourself. Make choices one at a time...today i will avoid all sugar and refined carbs or whatever. When you are tempted...try the running app as suggested above...sometimes you just have to distract yourself.

    BBC just posted an interesting new.study on wt loss with a good free downloadable diet book. They have a tv show too that will post on line after it airs in the uk. Basically there are three types of eaters and they each need a different approach to diet. Feasters (me) need low carb high protein. Emotional eaters beed to avoid high calorie food and get suppport and maybe therapy. I forget the other name but it is for constant eaters...they need a healthy eating and fasting approach. Anyway interesting and based in science and studies.