Hey guys, care to help a newbie out?

PumpitPaddy Posts: 2
edited January 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Guys.

So, obligatory stats: Male, 19, 5"10 , 80kg.

The time has come when I no longer want to look at my squidgy body. I would probably describe myself as skinny fat. My natural stature is fairly broad shoulders/mesomorphic so I manage to carry the 80kg fairly well under the clothing. I would estimate my body fat to be around 20-25% ( I could be well off, maybe lower) but this is just from looking at pictures. I was planning to lose weight by doing regular cardio while simultaneously introducing a calorie deficit into a healthy eating regime. The diet consists of a 1700 net calorie a day of high protein foods to try and provent any muscle loss and encourage fat loss so that I don't look like a skeleton on the other end. Now I've been looking at what might be a reasonable weight to aim for. I know that weight isn't the be all and end all but it would offer a sense of perspective, something to aim for and keep me motivated. The end aim is to cut body fat to maybe 12%-15%. From there I could start to build mass but not too excessively.

Taking the worst case scenario of my current situation of 25% bf with the aim to cut to 12%, I can work out a weight I'd need to be roughly:

25% of 80 = 20 kg

20/25=1% off total weight=0.8kg

0.8kg x 12 =9.6kg

60kg+9.6kg = 70kg~

Thats roughly a 10 kg loss not taking into consideration potential muscle loss. Is this realistic? What tip have you got? Feel free to completely *kitten* on my regime as I'm open to other methods.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I just did the conversion and it looks like you are currently 176 lbs and plan to get to 154. Coincidentally, 154 is exactly the middle of the healthy weight range for men of your height according to a website I checked.

    Your math seems fine. I'm not sure if that weight is reasonable or not. Hopefully a guy will weigh in on it (I'm way more familiar with weights for women.) The two things I do want to suggest are that you implement a strength training program in addition to your planned cardio AND eat more than 1700 calories. Strength training will help you strengthen your muscle and retain as much as possible while losing fat. Eating enough will also help with that. As a 19 yo guy you are in prime position to cut and still get to eat over 1700 calories. I'm twice your age and a woman and didn't cut that low while losing 52 lbs. last year. Have you happened to have used a tdee calculator like tge one at iifym.com to calculate your calories?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Strength training, plus as a 19 year old male, you should be eating more than 1700 calories.