High protein - High Calorie clean bulk/muscle gain Chocolate Mud Pie (adaptable content)

Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
edited January 2015 in Recipes
Just figured I would share my latest pre-workout superfood (well, I love it and it tastes super at the same time as providing more than enough protein).
This is adapted from a mud-pie recipe I found on here some time ago, so.. This is simply my high calorie adaption that I have found to help me a great deal recently!

Chocolate protein Powder (I currently use 50g of Belgian Chocolate - PHD Diet Whey)
200ML Whole milk
2 x Bananas (chopped and lined in the bottom of a serving dish)
Meridian Crunchy peanut butter (the ammount of this will vary depending on your personal Macros, I personally use 60g if I'm having this as a pre-workout breakfast).

Blend all ingredients except for the bananas (the mixture will have a very thick consistency so, it may take some blending to get smooth and well mixed).

Pour the blended mixture onto the chopped bananas and mix in well (at this point I generally scoop out and demolish any remaining mixture left in the blender.. hey.. I've logged it, why miss out!!!!).

Put the dish in your microwave and cook on full power for around 2 and a half minutes or until the chocolate has set to a cake-like consistency.


Approximate Macros (this will vary depending on the ammount of peanut butter you use, the size of banana and the kind of protein powder. For me 240g chopped banana, 60g peanut butter and PHD protein)

Kcals- 899
Fats- 41g (mostly healthy monosaturates, saturates from the milk though)
Carbs- 80g
Protein- 58g mixed proteins
Sodium- 210g
Sugar- 44g

Maybe somebody might enjoy this as much as I do!! Will upload a photo when I make this next time!