How many calories do You burn

83andy Posts: 1 Member
hi, I lost 15kg a few years ago & never got to my goal of losing 20kg. Since then I've put back on another 6kg. So I'm back to needing to lose 10kg.
I'm on a 1200 calories diet, but I totally forget how many calories through exercise I should be trying to burn per workout. Can anybody help?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited January 2015
    There really is no set amount you should be trying to burn. I do believe there are recommendations on how often/how long you should workout for optimum health.

    If I remember correctly the CDC recommends:
    150 mins of moderate aerobic exercise per week (30 mins 5 days a week)
    75 mins of vigorous aerobic exercise per week
    Strength exercises should be included 2 days out of the week is the page:
    CDC Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults