hey I'm lauren

Looking forward to getting healtgier.. although my motivation is anger I hope to start loving myself and reaching my goal to go to disney world again without blue jeans


  • LandyBreigh
    LandyBreigh Posts: 207 Member
    Hello Lauren.
    Welcome to MFP! Anger is a good motivation, but remember, it takes time and commitment to lose what has been gained and keep it off. I have to keep telling myself that over and over.

    Keep what others say and think out of your head and focus on YOU! This is all yours. You are the KEY to your success.

    Eat well, drink lots of water, and have a treat once in a while. There is no harm in that.

    Love yourself, always. B)
  • brogirls1234
    brogirls1234 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks.. I needed to hear that :)
  • wanabefit2016
    wanabefit2016 Posts: 187 Member
    Throughout weight loss I think everyone feels different emotions. Keep in the right mind set and you can do anything :)