Best fruits and Vegs to eat

I'm new at this. I have my scale, cups and spoons and I started weighing and measuring EvErYtHiNg. I know that your green Vegs are lower in calories and always make it a point to have them on my plate.

My struggle is finding a list of fruits that are low in calories that I can eat throughout the day. I love strawberries, grapes and fresh pineapple but I looked at the calorie info for bananas and was surprised how high they were and now I'm just looking at them and don't know if I really want to eat them.

Any advice would be appreciated!


  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome !!! I understand the frustration you may have! This was a struggle for me as well and I have done so many research just to make sure that I'm in the right track!

    For me vegetables for sure is something you can eat without reservation ! All vegetables are really good for you! Fruits some of them has lots of sugar so moderation is the key!

    I always eat oranges and grape fruits in the morning. The grape fruits acid helps break down the fat you consume throughout the day hence help you with your weight loss! Apples, blueberries, blackberries are among others. I use my apple in my oats to have cinnamon apple oatmeal for healthy breakfast. Avocado even its high in fat, it's a really Good fat that our body needs! Eat at least half of it a day.

    I hope this helps you some! Good luck with your journey! We are all here together!