Vacation Motivation!!

Who is preparing for a tropical vacation? I haven't been on here in a while and we are going on vacation in 8 weeks!


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there,
    Exiting news about your vacation!! Going anywhere nice?? :)

    Preparing for anything is all about getting the right balance of things to get that healthy lifestyle just right for you. Give 110% and you'll get the same in return!

    All the best,
  • rumijs
    rumijs Posts: 218 Member
    Same here. I recently booked a trip to Hawaii with plenty of swim suit prep time ;-) THe actual booking of it was a great kick in the butt to get MORE serious :)
  • futuremommyt
    futuremommyt Posts: 26 Member
    I'm preparing for a 3 week cruise of West Africa next fall. I know I'll definitely gain weight on it (I know I don't "have" to, but come on, a three week vacation with open bar and restaurant food three meals a day, I can't help myself :) ) I want to get to a healthy weight for that so that trip is kind of my reward
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I wouldn't say "tropical" but a beach. Charleston and Hilton Head, SC. May 1st.

    I want to be a goal (150) by then. Now 152.6. SHOULD be a piece of cake, if I don't eat a piece of cake. LOL
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    Not tropical but beachy, Cyprus on the 23rd may. Would like to lose a stone before then
  • dbah2012
    dbah2012 Posts: 8 Member
    Puerto Vallarta in May. I gotta get swimsuit ready!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Off to Singapore, India, Oman, Dubai, England and Scotland next week. Part cruise part land travel.
    Got my calorie counting and portion control sorted before Christmas, and maintain well, have done extra work at the gym to get the body as good as it is going to get, and bought 3 new bikinis.

    I dropped to the bottom of my maintenance weight because of the anticipated 3-5 lb water gain and don't expect to gain more than a couple of lbs of fat while away for 2 months.

    I am expecting the majority of my exercise will be walking, raising glasses and wielding knives and forks for the next 2 months.

    Enjoy your holidays everyone.

    Cheers, h.