New to the program

Hey everyone. My name is Ty and I'm working hard to gain weight. It's actually very difficult, and i know that some people have said some very mean things, thinking that I'm lucky to be so thin, but it's not like that. I've never liked being so thin, and underweight. I am now on the road to tone up and gain 30 lbs by the time my birthday rolls around in June!!! Need all the support and advice i can get. I've never worked out before this past week and I really like it, but i think i need to stay away from cardio... lol


  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Welcome to MFP. There is a forum section on gaining weight so I am sure you will also get some good advice there. I guess your goal will be to eat more lean protein at every meal, plenty of healthy snacks and avoid hours of meaningless cardio. Good luck
  • tholder3103
    I learned about avoiding cardio late, but thank goodness i got to MFP in time to realize, i need those calories
  • tamsk1k2k3
    Hi Ty! Would love to talk to you about your goals. How much muscle mass do you want to gain? Connect with me and lets talk. Tamara
  • tholder3103
    Tamara, I'm not really sure. I haven't been able to measure what i have compared to what i want. All i know is that i'm severely thin and want to put on weight in a healthy way. I don't want to put it on and be a couch potato with a 42 inch waist. I'm far to vain for that, but i do need to gain.