Cheating the body experiment

I have been running a low carp diet. I can witness that with a resistance training and all, it is becoming tough. After each 1 hour intensive session, I feel I am totally finished and I can barley go home to take a shower, eat small dinner and sleep.

I have noticed that in any diet, the body adjust itself after a while and lowers metabolism a little. After some online search, I learned that some hormones levels drop to low levels as the body enter what I call the "I am still hungry" stage. In my case, I am most interested in Testosterone levels. Now low Testosterone means a host of other things from low sexual activity all the way to slow muscle built up and low self steam

For me, taking hormone medications (being GHRH or Testosterone) is out of the question. These things, in my opinion, ruins the body. What I have been interested in is Testosterone boosters specially ZMA and Tribulus bases supplement products. The talk on the internet is that these supplements can boost natural production of Testosterone by up to 40% though, personally, I doubt that number. Theoretically, boosting natural Testosterone, should help in preventing the body from slowing its metabolism down.

Has anyone experimented with cheating the body into thinking that all is normal using the approach I just described?