Am I making excuses.



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    6am, get up and out with the dogs, back just before 7, shower, breakfast, clean up after breakfast.
    8.30. Work, on my feet all day, coffee whilst working and don't have a lunch break. ( am adding about the lunch break so you know I can't go for a walk during my lunch )
    4pm. Home, feed & walk the dogs.
    5pm.. Cook dinner.
    Between 6 & 7 off to aerobic class.
    Back home anytime between 7 & 8.30 depends on time of class.
    8.30, shower and dinner.
    9pm. A bit of housework.
    9.30. Catch up and chat with my boys.
    10PM ish bed..

    Between walking the dogs twice a day and aerobics, you show nearly 2-4 hours a day of exercise. If you want to increase that, I would suggest increasing the intensity, not the duration.

    ^^^This is what I was thinking too.

    I'm seeing great results with about 2.5 - 3 hours of running, one 45 minute pilates class, and about 1.5 hours of lifting. I have a desk job. So basically, I spent the amount of time active in a week that you get in one or two days.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    If you really do want to up the calories burned can you jog a bit on the dog walks?

    This reply made me laugh, if you had seen me on last nights walk you would understand....
    I have a greyhound who is off her lead so jogging with her would be fab, however I have a Labrador who can't be let off his lead. I have this image of us running along together, however this isn't the case. Last night I was dragging him along for about 30 seconds, obviously only one of us has this image of us jogging along together. :smile:

    Plus both dogs won't go out without the other one so I can't even leave the lab at home whilst me and my greyhound jog. X
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I agree with just upping the intensity. I spend at most an hour a day working out. I do intervals on various cardio machines 3x a week (though this can be done outside on your own, I just do it on machines because they're accessible to me), and lifting 2x a week.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You only need to exercise 1 hour or less, 5x per week

    There's 168 hours in a week. If you sleep 8 hours a day, that leaves 112 hours. if you work 9 hours per day 5x per week, that leaves 67 hours. If you spend 3 hours of uninterrupted family time per day that leaves 46 hours. . Somewhere in that 46 hours you can find 5 hours to exercise.

    Yes, you're making excuses.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    If you really do want to up the calories burned can you jog a bit on the dog walks?

    This reply made me laugh, if you had seen me on last nights walk you would understand....
    I have a greyhound who is off her lead so jogging with her would be fab, however I have a Labrador who can't be let off his lead. I have this image of us running along together, however this isn't the case. Last night I was dragging him along for about 30 seconds, obviously only one of us has this image of us jogging along together. :smile:

    Plus both dogs won't go out without the other one so I can't even leave the lab at home whilst me and my greyhound jog. X

    Since Hubby enjoys walking, give him the lab and you go for running spurts with the greyhound? (at risk of sounding rude, I will answer your topic title - with each response, the answers are getting closer and closer to making excuses)
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Saturday and Sunday you wake up at 7. Who takes the dogs out then? Why not continue to wake up at 6 and use that hour for working out instead of sleeping?

    Also, you put chilling with the husband. Maybe Chill and Workout with the Husband? It might be fun! I workout with the wife all the time and although its not every day it is a fun activity together.

    Also, nights you dont have class, substitute a workout. Theres 2-4 hours extra right there a week which should be more than enough with your other activities?
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    You don't need to do hours of exercise. Don't worry about what others are doing.. everyone has different commitments during the day and everyone has different goals and processes.

    Is what you are doing working? If it is, don't worry about it. If you really do want to up the calories burned can you jog a bit on the dog walks? Or walk a different route that gives you more hills or a bit longer of a walk now and again.

    This. I don't understand people that workout for hours on end. It's not necessary if you are doing quality activity. I've never done more then 40mins in the gym. My current lifting workout is maybe 30min without a warmup. Do what is working for you. If you don't like your results then switch some of the cardio for lifting but it doesn't mean you have to add a ton more time. Up the speed of your walks with the dogs or find hills to go up and down. Don't concern yourself about what others are doing! They don't have your life and we all have different tolerance levels.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your comments.

    It seems that I am doing plenty but just need to increasing the intensity not the hours of exercise.

    I guess there's plenty of time to increase my hours when I retire or when my boys leave home.

    Good idea about leaving my husband to walk the lab whilst I run on with the greyhound. I did start that when I started the C25K but the dogs like to be together so I guess I will just run along and if my greyhound wants to join me she can. :smile:
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    Saturday and Sunday you wake up at 7. Who takes the dogs out then? Why not continue to wake up at 6 and use that hour for working out instead of sleeping?

    My husband and I take the dogs out together during the weekends, ( just a bot later ) as he works away during the week it's lovely to have that extra hour in bed. :blushing:
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    We have two dogs, an Australian cattle dog and a chihuahua/chinese crested mix. They both love walks, but obviously I can't run with the two of them, as the little one would never make it. I usually take them out for a 2-mile walk together, then drop off the chichi at home to finish with a run with the big guy.

    If that doesn't work for your dogs, the only other suggestion I would make is to take the nights you don't have class and substitute a strength training regimen for the elliptical or whatever you usually do to fill in that time. Along with getting up earlier on Saturday to get in maybe one more day of weights (even bodyweight exercises would be good!), you're bound to see quite a bit of improvement in your fitness. :smile:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I get up at 4:45 am to get my workout in. 45 minutes on the elliptical.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your comments.

    It seems that I am doing plenty but just need to increasing the intensity not the hours of exercise.

    I guess there's plenty of time to increase my hours when I retire or when my boys leave home.

    Good idea about leaving my husband to walk the lab whilst I run on with the greyhound. I did start that when I started the C25K but the dogs like to be together so I guess I will just run along and if my greyhound wants to join me she can. :smile:

    You taking one and hubby taking the other works! Be thankful you have one dog who will run with you. I have a little 12lb shih Tzu .. not a great running partner lol! Next dog I get will be one I can run with.
  • climbamnt
    climbamnt Posts: 190 Member
    You lose weight in the kitchen, and build muscle in the gym. It sounds like you have a decent activity level through the week, but what does your food diary look like?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Your activity level is fine. You need to find some time for strength training.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    You don't have to exercise for hours to get results. Many of us can understand the demands of raising a family, working and trying to fit everything and everybody into our daily responsibilities. The good new is that you don't even have to DIET. I have been on MFP and it has changed my life forever. Pay special attention to eating quality food, staying within your calorie and fats for the day and begin a "realistic" exercise plan that fits into your life. Something you enjoy and will do faithfully--you will find after a brief time you will look forward to your exercise time and if you plan a little bit everybody is happy. Good luck-you CAN do this--first few weeks are learning curve but once your plan is in place it becomes automatic for you to stay with it. :smile:
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I really feel that I need to up my exercise but feel that I don't really have time, so I am asking for people to take a look at my day and suggest what I can do.
    Below is a breakdown of my week.

    Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.

    6am, get up and out with the dogs, back just before 7, shower, breakfast, clean up after breakfast.
    8.30. Work, on my feet all day, coffee whilst working and don't have a lunch break. ( am adding about the lunch break so you know I can't go for a walk during my lunch )
    4pm. Home, feed & walk the dogs.
    5pm.. Cook dinner.
    Between 6 & 7 off to aerobic class.
    Back home anytime between 7 & 8.30 depends on time of class.
    8.30, shower and dinner.
    9pm. A bit of housework.
    9.30. Catch up and chat with my boys.
    10PM ish bed..

    Thursday & Friday,
    Exactly the same as before but no classes so either grab 30 minutes on the exercise bike or lift weights.

    Saturday & Sunday. My husband works away during the week so the weekend is our time together,

    7AM Up and walk the dogs.
    Chilling with husband.
    Most Saturday we get a couple of hours walk in, normally end up in a pub for a glass of wine. :laugh:
    Back home to walk the dogs.
    Dinner, clear up and chill.

    I look at some people's diary's and they tend to fit in hours of exercise, I really need to fit in more so come on guys, I need advice.
    You know what? I don't do HALF of that. You're fine. I have handweights at my desk and I do squats and pushups here and there throughout the day, but that's nearly all the "real" exercise I do. I walk here and there, I play with my dogs, I do my housework, and I lift weights at my desk. Period. It works. You do what works for you and don't worry about what everyone else thinks. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You only need to exercise 1 hour or less, 5x per week

    There's 168 hours in a week. If you sleep 8 hours a day, that leaves 112 hours. if you work 9 hours per day 5x per week, that leaves 67 hours. If you spend 3 hours of uninterrupted family time per day that leaves 46 hours. . Somewhere in that 46 hours you can find 5 hours to exercise.

    Yes, you're making excuses.

    With all due respect, she is getting about a average of an 45 minutes in 5 days a week, not including walking.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    You lose weight in the kitchen, and build muscle in the gym. It sounds like you have a decent activity level through the week, but what does your food diary look like?

    I am sure my diary is open for all to see. X
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    So don't up it just make it harder! Planning, Planning., Planning ( Like I live that! NO! but it is what I aspire to)
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    Something you enjoy and will do faithfully--you will find after a brief time you will look forward to your exercise time

    I've been going to the same aerobic class for 10 years so I can safely say that I do enjoy that and I do look forward to that. :laugh:

    I do try and vary my other exercise though as our bodies need a change but wouldn't want to give up my aerobic classes.