Looking for support network of friends

Hi, I'm Kathy, and I've been trying this app for one week and just recently discover the community section. Looking for motivational friends who can help me reach my weight goals :)


  • mckofo
    mckofo Posts: 28 Member
    Recently been trying to get back into this myself haha.
  • rmcclure79
    rmcclure79 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started this and I to am looking for the Same thing :)
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Kathy! welcome! I would love to add you on my starter list! I am too is new to this community!
  • Barrelracer247
    Barrelracer247 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just started using this app yesterday and am looking for some supporting friends as well! Feel free to add me (: