Vegan Seeking Vegan

*Stands up and introduces self to everyone*

Hello..I am Megan. I started out life as a normal meat eater, tried to give up meat in my teens years, but my parents brought me back with steak and chicken wings. Kicked the habit of meat almost 6 years ago on January 28th, 2008. Wanted to advice to level 5 Vegan but kept feeling like I was too attached to dairy. Lord....I love(d) cheese. December 31, 2014 rolled around as always said that the new year was the year I finally found Vegan. Skip to today and I am 10 days clean of diary and eggs. I wish I could say its been hard and when passing DQ I cry like I lost my best friend but I don't. Though sometimes I get those horrible nightmares where I think I ate something I wasn't supposed to, like last night where I thought I ate cheese bread.

At the end of all of this I guess I am just a gal looking for some other like minded awesome vegan friends. Anyone interested? Oh and on the days in my diary where I log in vegan cupcakes yell at me because I just simply can not stop at just one. Seriously who could....?

your new best friend!


  • Hi!! I' vegan to and I'm looking for vegan people. I'm from Portugal and from where I live I just can't meet vegan people, some times only vegans understand vegans...i would like to communicate with u and some other vegans! PS: some time ago I had that dreams to, it's the worst nightmare I had in my entire life!! GET FIT! GO VEGAN!
  • kmbrlywalker
    kmbrlywalker Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, I am a fellow vegan fitness pal user. Friend me if you like.