Longest Plateu?

Hi everyone,

After months and months of plateuing at 224lbs I'm hoping now after I have started logging all my calories and being strict with my intake that I will break it once and for all !

I just wondered what is the longest plateu any of you guys have experienced? What did you do to break it?

I hope I've put this post in the right place - I know there is a severe lack of motivation on my behalf after fluctuating between 223&224lbs...


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Logging your cals is a great idea. When I don't I realize that I am very forgetful about what I have consumed. I plateau alot. I think it takes my body a while to get used to it's new weight before it lets go of a couple more pounds. Just keep on keeping on! Don't forget to log your exercise AND your water intake! I forget to log water intake frequently. When I forget, I drink less water. Log it all for better results! Good luck!
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm at 265, and I have been there for about 3 1/2 weeks. I'm at a lost for now, but I know that weight loss will eventually kick in. Hang in there, to late to give up now.:sad:
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    My longest plateau was for about a month. Logging calories and exercise will DEFINITELY help you! Make sure that you're changing your routine so your body doesn't get immune to the types of excercise you're doing. Also, incorporate strength training 3x a week--it really helps!

    Something that I do that helps me, I plan my meals the day before and enter them to make sure that I don't go over my calories and to prevent myself from snacking :)

  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    When I first started losing weight I dropped 10 lbs then was stuck there for 2-3 months or so. I thought it was enough to just eat smaller portions and exercise. I felt results (much improved stamina) but didn't see any inches lost or weight loss. Once I finally started logging onto MFP is when I noticed the difference - turns out that my smaller portions were still FAR too large. Once I started tracking, I really found out what kind of crap I was eating. Now I'm eating much better and I've been losing steadily ever since.

    One other thing is to try switching up your exercise a bit. Just changing a bit, going a bit faster, going longer, doing intervals, etc. can have good results.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I was never on a plateau for very long. I would often change something in my exercise routine more than diet. When your body gets too used to doing one activity, it isn't working as hard. So, if you maybe change it up, up the level or do a different machine...it can help.

    Also, I never had my calories be as low as 1200. I gradually lowered them as I lost weight so if I did hit a plateau and needed to tweak my calories, even lowering by 50 a day would help.
