Losing weight is quite difficult ><

I'm 19 years old and trying to lose 10 pounds so that I'll be more fit and healthy. I eat A LOT of junk food and sometimes fast food, which really isn't good (haha). If I cut down the junk food I believe that will have a good affect on me on its own. My mom and everyone around me tells me that I'm too skinny as it is, but I'm not that satisfied with my body, so I decided to lose the weight (I'm 109 ibs). Do you have any eating tips to go along with my exercise and my diet? Like what NOT to eat? (Besides coast food and junk). I currently go to the gym for an hour four days a week. (Just started though, and it's been only 2 days). Anyway, I would like to know if this app is really going to work. Oh! And when I eat something my father makes at our Greek restaurant I don't know how to add it because I can't seem to find it... Is there any way to add these foods accurately? Any feedback would be great! ^^ thanks. And nice to meet you :)


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think you would benefit more from lifting/body recomposition than from trying to lose weight.
  • @Sabine_Stroehm‌ , I am 5'1".
    @Ninkyou‌ , the problem there is I am extremely weak in the muscles, and I take vitamins to keep the strong, and lifting is something extremely difficult. I DO lift occasionally though, but I mostly use the other gym equipment more than the lifting equipment.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You don't have to be strong to lift weights. :\

    Even at your height, losing those 10 lbs is going to put you into an underweight BMI. You're already at the lower end (though not the lowest).

    Really, work on body recomposition. It'll do you much more than 10 lbs will. And I'm not talking about just strength, I'm talking your inches. Though, if you feel you're weak, then lifting will also help with that. It's not like you're starting out lifting 200 lbs. You start out low and work your way up. That's the whole point. No one expects a person to be He-man on their first day of lifting.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    You don't have to be strong to lift weights. :\

    Even at your height, losing those 10 lbs is going to put you into an underweight BMI. You're already at the lower end (though not the lowest).

    Really, work on body recomposition. It'll do you much more than 10 lbs will. And I'm not talking about just strength, I'm talking your inches. Though, if you feel you're weak, then lifting will also help with that. It's not like you're starting out lifting 200 lbs. You start out low and work your way up. That's the whole point. No one expects a person to be He-man on their first day of lifting.

    This. All of this.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP = you are 5-1 109 pounds why is your goal to lose ten pounds and be 99 pounds?

    I would suggest getting on a structured lifting program and eating at maintenance level….

    but at your current weight and height you do not need to be losing ten pounds..

    also, what is "junk" food…

    http://dynamicduotraining.com/ask-the-experts-round-table-discussions/15-nutrition-myths-you-want-to-knowallow-the-experts-to-tell/ < read these articles they will help you get a better understanding of food and nutrition...
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Losing weight to be underweight is hard and it should be, as it is, you know, unhealthy.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP = you are 5-1 109 pounds why is your goal to lose ten pounds and be 99 pounds?

    I would suggest getting on a structured lifting program and eating at maintenance level….

    but at your current weight and height you do not need to be losing ten pounds..

    also, what is "junk" food…

    http://dynamicduotraining.com/ask-the-experts-round-table-discussions/15-nutrition-myths-you-want-to-knowallow-the-experts-to-tell/ < read these articles they will help you get a better understanding of food and nutrition...

    I'd bet that magical number (99) may be exactly why.

    OP: listen to this guy and everyone else. You're at a great, LOW weight. Work on strength and endurance.