Weakness Foods (and how you got past it)



  • n1tnguy
    Junk food in general. Cheetos especially. Just be sure to reevaluate after you've finished eat the foot.

    Is it worth it?
    How do I feel?
    How is 2000 calories of cheese balls going to get my closer to my goals?

    The answer to these questions will ultimately lead you to the true answer behind your motivations.
  • asantacruz24
    asantacruz24 Posts: 10 Member
    Buy mini bags and stick to just one, at least you'll have your craving but not go overboard.
    I crave and love the usual pizza, burgers and chocolate.
    I still eat all of them Lean Cuisine pizza w/veggies on the side homemade burger and my fav dark chocolate covered almonds from Sprouts. I found that I can fit them in if I opt for a bigger lunch then a smaller sensible dinner or whatever works. If you severely restrict you tend to crave more and have a higher risk of bingeing. Also if you do binge don't beat yourself up just let it go and try again tomorrow. There is nothing that I say to myself you can’t have this, I can take a bite or have a small portion. I strive to eat better overall but still allowing myself to indulge a little. We all face triumphs and lose but keep going you’ll get there!
  • vicpoole188
    Potato chips, corn chips and any salty snacks. Chocolate can go white in the fridge (unless my dh finds it :-)) I have like a "clean plate" fettish - an empty bag fettish.
    I also buy a bag and promise to eat only a few each day - doesn't happen!!
    I have found that if I divide the bag into servings in zip lock bags I get one out and hopefully that's it! I also plan to save calories so I can indulge. Going without entirely doesn't work as I will crave, crave, crave - give in and then feel bad and totally lose it!