Tips for staying within Calorie allotment!?



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    MaryCS62 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, do you exercise regularly? I usually manage 3x week, 30 minutes, but I want to increase it. How does TDEE allow for that, or do you have to consistently exercise, etc?

    Semi-regularly. But TDEE averages it out over time. I just log actuals -- weight lost, calories consumed -- to get an idea of my average TDEE based on the amount of exercise and activity I typically do. If I increase it significantly (e.g. by starting a new exercise regimen) then I'll just up the calories a bit if I'm hungry, or else simply enjoy the faster weight loss. Likewise if I were to decrease it significantly for a long time, I'd lower the calories, though I aim not to do that.

    But for me, this method takes the tedium and guesswork out of logging every little bit of exercise I do. Especially since logging exercise calories is rarely all that accurate anyway.

    Works for some people, not for others. I tried the MFP method at first but this suits me better, I've found.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    By the way, I should specify that I started off using a calculator to estimate it, but I adjusted based on my real-world results over the first 90 days or so. I log calories and weight daily in Excel and calculate my actual observed TDEE based on that. Yes, I'm a nerd. It's valuable, though, because it turns out I had been *under*estimating my activity level.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    By the way, I should specify that I started off using a calculator to estimate it, but I adjusted based on my real-world results over the first 90 days or so. I log calories and weight daily in Excel and calculate my actual observed TDEE based on that. Yes, I'm a nerd. It's valuable, though, because it turns out I had been *under*estimating my activity level.

    So I am NOT the only one!!! :) lol
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    So I am NOT the only one!!! :) lol

    I think we data geeks are more common than we might believe. :)
  • caseythelab
    caseythelab Posts: 25 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast and a.m. snack just about every day. I don't input my lunch until I eat it, but I do make sure it's around 400 calories. I usually only have 400-500 left for dinner unless I workout (or at least walk the dog!), but that's just life. Let's face it, to lose weight while still having a little treat daily (for me usually a Luna protein bar) ya gotta work out at least a little!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I meal plan for the whole week. I enter all my dinners in at the beginning of the week. My breakfasts, lunches, and snacks do not vary much week to week after my dinners I enter breakfast and lunches in and plan out those meals for the full week. Doing it this way helps me plan when I can have a higher calories lunch or breakfast based on the workouts I have planned for the week. I never pre-log my exercise but I keep in mind which days are my lifting days and which days are my cardio days.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Thanks everyone! MFP didn't alert me to all of the messages, so I'm just now seeing them! Thanks for writing back
  • McAvena101
    Does anyone know any good recipes to help with starting to eat in a way that keeps me healthy and on track with the in take for calories, fat, cholesterol, and all that?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    What do you like to eat? How do you prepare your meals (do you cook for example). I see that you are 19 and I really did not cook at 19.

    Be glad to help...
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I pre-log my dinner, and plan out the rest of my food based on that. But dinner is the one meal a day I eat with other people, so I want to make sure I'm able to eat what they're eating, even if it's smaller portions.