Healthy Mexican Side Dish Ideas

I am making sweet potato, squash, and black bean enchiladas tomorrow night. I want to prepare a healthy Mexican themed side to go with it. Any ideas?


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    This one looks good; plus it uses Adobo!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Spanish rice? I make mine in the rice cooker: white rice, low sodium V8 instead of water, some frozen corn, carrots, and peas, and rice seasoning.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    Guacamole? The hard part is finding something good to dip in it. But all those good fats!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You could do carrot, celery, and bell pepper strips with guac.
  • rcottonrph1
    I love guacamole and yes, I am definitely trying to avoid the chips! I like the idea of dipping veggies in easy way to get those veggies in!

  • rcottonrph1
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I have never seen 1 thread destroy Mexican food so bad

    Thank you for your constructive and helpful comment. I'll keep it in mind when I'm enjoying my dinner tomorrow night. Cheers!
  • astridtheviking
    astridtheviking Posts: 113 Member
    Elote, man, elote. Watermelon - con chile y limón. Avocado slices with lemon and salt. Tomatillo or jicama salad. Agua fresca or lightly sweetened horchata.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Mmm...roasted or grilled elote:) Delish with mayo and cholula, but maybe not on her diet...go easy on the mayo!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Oh, fresh pico! You gotta have some. Chop some tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, and cilantro, mix with some jarred salsa. Sliced limes on the side.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    I was going to say guac. Since it's taken, I'll go with pico. :grinning: Eggs in the mix is great, too. Tons of Mexicans throw a fried egg into things. Some Mexican restaurants do it, too. Many cultures add bits of eggs to thing we don't, which inspired me to start throwing eggs into things I wouldn't have before. :)

    I have friends and neighbors who are People Who Speak Spanish (note that I am side-stepping the whole Latino/Hispanic/Don't Categorize Us issue) and even the ones from the same countries do things differently, so it's not like there is any single way it must be done. So, do what you please. :)

    Several of the thin ones said that if I ate peppers like they do, I'd be thin. (The fat one made a hilarious face and gently shook her head "no", lol.) I tried the pepper thing, but am unable to eat the ridiculous peppers these women swallow like they're edamame. I did increase peppers I can eat and am working on stronger ones, but have not lost extra weight, which they attribute to the fact that I cannot eat the really spicy ones. Can't argue with that. :grinning:

    So, maybe add hotter peppers to the mix. ;)
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Guacamole? The hard part is finding something good to dip in it. But all those good fats!

    Veggies are good--or some whole-grain chips.

  • amandapearl81
    amandapearl81 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know if this would be something your staging away from, but I just got done eating it so ... :) I like to take a serving of yellow corn tortillas and cut them into triangles. Stick under the broiler until crispy (2 or 3 min)
  • amandapearl81
    amandapearl81 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know if this would be something your staging away from, but I just got done eating it so ... :) I like to take a serving of yellow corn tortillas and cut them into triangles. Stick under the broiler until crispy (2 or 3 min)
    Don't know why the rest didn't post, but...
    Let them cool and dip in guac or salsa.