Need that push

hi all, my names Sam I'm from Southampton uk, 30 and need to get this weight of! Currently 15.2 and want to get to 12. Went out last night with jeans to right so he the Bridget's on and just felt uncomfortable all night. Hate not having clothes that fit! Struggling with the gym at the min as ankle and heel problems and docs have said a month off gym and three light exercises to build the strength but I need the weight to do as when it goes so slow it depresses me and I give up thinking what's the point. Any happy motivating peeps out there please add me and help me find jeans that fit!!!!


  • DeansPrincess
    I know how you feel ! None of my clothes fit me right now as I've gained about 30 pounds due to stress. I refuse to buy bigger clothes so I'm just always uncomfortable and miserable. I decided however that this was just punishing myself and if I didn't stop doing that I was never going to get on track again so I bought a pair of bigger pants that I'm comfortable in and started cutting back on my food consumption and making better choices now it's time to incorporate some light exercise. Small steps...LITTLE at a time is the key. I have lost well over 80 pounds at least three times in my life and if I had done it the correct way I wouldn't be here again. There are ways to get it off quickly, of course but it doesn't stay off unless you chang your entire lifestyle. I am the most impatient person on the planet but this has to happen a little at a time it took us years to get where we are and it's going to take some time to make the lasting changes that are required. never NEVER give up on yourself! we can do this!
  • sammihud01
    sammihud01 Posts: 6 Member
    I can't keep going shopping and trying clothes it's horrible, size 18 and tight size 20 and hangs there's no 18 1/2 and every pair are cut differently, size 12's don't have this problem lol. I have just prepped my lunch and snack for tomorrow and know what I am having for tea. Trying to pre plan so I don't go over on calories which I never did before but I am finding that so much better for me at the moment. Weigh in tomorrow for the first week and hoping for at least a few pounds but went out for drinks last night and it wasn't light so this week I will be trying harder x
  • AmyTCaldwell
    AmyTCaldwell Posts: 86 Member
    I was in a size 22 jean tight 22 and with lots of support motivation and determination I was able to do it,Richard Simmons. Yes ... sweat in to the oldies is all you need, I was 287 lbs 3 years ago,and with working out 3 days a week with Richard did it for me. I weighed 107 2 months ago now I'm 117. It don't take long to gain that weight back eating cookies and cakes and I'm addicted to choc,yes big time.I need motivation and lots of it,I don't drink soda but I crave sugar, lots going on in the last two months. I have lots of extra skin,so expect that when losing weight,try to take at least 10,000 steps per day. It sounds like a lot but it really isn't.good luck to all and may we all reach our goal.its a long road,and always remember,"never give up"