Daily calorie intake / BMR

DocNorton Posts: 43
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
How do...

I've got a question about daily calories...

Via MFP and a few other places my daily intake has been worked out at 1600cals. This has been calculated by subtracting 500 from my BMR (2,046).

Now I've recently changed my weight loss goal from 2lbs a week to just 1lb as I feel it's more realistic plus I wasn't loosing 2lbs a week with that calorie goal. This has altered my goal to 2050cals/day which is 4 more than my BMR !

After speaking to a PT at our gym he worked out my calories/day should be 2400... This was aquired from working out my BMR via the Harris Benedict Equation

Male 66+(13.7 * weight(kg) ) + (5*height(cm) )

- (6.8* Age)


BMR * 1.55

Now as you may have read in my other posts I am really struggling with a plateu I've hit and I'm wondering is it because MFP workings are too low and I'm not eating enough per day?

I've even confused myself re-reading that post?!?!


  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    if you are doing BMR * 1.55 you are considering yourself moderately active. A lot of people preach that you instead of using a multiplier for BMR above and beyond the sedentary level you should just include actual activities performed during the day on top of it.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    BMR is not equal to maintenance calories, so let's clear that up first. Your maintenance calories are your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). If you were to use the goal setter at MFP to "maintain your current weight", that would be the number your given. So, 2046 is your TDEE? Double check this against the BMR calculator here at MFP.

    BMR is what your body burns to maintain minimal function (think bedridden, or in a coma)

    TDEE is your BMR, plus a normal daily activity (not exercise, which adds more, but just activities like brushing your teeth or typing at a computer or walking around the corner.)

    I don't know if that helps.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    BMR is not equal to maintenance calories, so let's clear that up first. Your maintenance calories are your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). If you were to use the goal setter at MFP to "maintain your current weight", that would be the number your given. So, 2046 is your TDEE? Double check this against the BMR calculator here at MFP.

    BMR is what your body burns to maintain minimal function (think bedridden, or in a coma)

    TDEE is your BMR, plus a normal daily activity (not exercise, which adds more, but just activities like brushing your teeth or typing at a computer or walking around the corner.)

    I don't know if that helps.

    I was just going to post the same thing, thanks!

    (Unfortunately, lots of people get TDEE and BMR confused. You DEFINITELY want to be eating more than your BMR.)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    BMR is not equal to maintenance calories, so let's clear that up first. Your maintenance calories are your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). If you were to use the goal setter at MFP to "maintain your current weight", that would be the number your given. So, 2046 is your TDEE? Double check this against the BMR calculator here at MFP.

    BMR is what your body burns to maintain minimal function (think bedridden, or in a coma)

    TDEE is your BMR, plus a normal daily activity (not exercise, which adds more, but just activities like brushing your teeth or typing at a computer or walking around the corner.)

    I've heard trainers confuse the two...it's maddening! (and dangerous, sort of)

    I don't know if that helps.

    I was just going to post the same thing, thanks!

    (Unfortunately, lots of people get TDEE and BMR confused. You DEFINITELY want to be eating more than your BMR.)

    I've heard trainers confuse the two. It's maddening. And dangerous...
  • canstey
    canstey Posts: 118
    I was just going to post the same thing, thanks!

    (Unfortunately, lots of people get TDEE and BMR confused. You DEFINITELY want to be eating more than your BMR.)

    You don't have to eat your BMR calories. MFP sets your daily caloric intake as BMR + daily lifestyle not counting exercise - weight loss per week. That easily winds up below BMR for 1-2lbs per week weight loss and sedentary lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that. As long as the deficit is not so great that your body reacts very negatively to it, typically 1000 calorie a day deficit from TDEE but varies from person to person and it isn't a hard line but an increased response as the deficit gets larger.
  • DocNorton
    DocNorton Posts: 43
    My BMR was calculated via the tool on here and the 1600cals comes from subtracting 500 from that.

    So am I right in thinking I'm on track with the 1600cals a day mark -500 or so via exercise?
  • chaudhry
    chaudhry Posts: 4 Member
    Hi , I have come across this problem as well. Yes the Harris Benedict Equation makes more sense.

    Why dont you change your goal to "custom goals" and change your protein percentage where you hit near about 1 gram for each pound weight on you. This is the most suggested protein dosage, which the MFP guys Auto Goal or Guided goal is more skewed towards the ladies. 0.5-0.8 grams of protein per body weight.

    Try this and give the rest of the percentages about 25% to fats and rest to Carbs. You would notice that you jump start your process again.
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