2 Flabby body questions

TLDR Version at bottom.

50y/o male 6'1 I always maintained my weight around 210-230lbs. Went through 5yrs of hell, and went up to 340lbs. June 2014 started watching what I eat & exercising again, Im presently 250lbs.

I will go for 2or3 weeks without losing a pound, then all of a sudden I will lose 5-10lbs in a week. Some months I lost 20lbs. Doctor says its my body, tests are all good. Any other opinions on this or similar experiences.

Im still 250, but still real flabby around the stomach. I can grab and pinch a good 4 inches of flab. Without seeing me, is it possible that its just stretched out skin that wont return to normal Or could it be my last 30lbs I need to lose. Thanks

TLDR - was skinny -got fat- getting skinny again. Got lots of flab around stomach what do?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Some of that is stretched out skin and some is fat. There's no guarantee it will shrink back down especially for someone who is 50 years old. Our skin becomes less elastic over time.

    Your best bet would be to continue to lose fat and make sure you are doing strength training. The strength training won't tighten the skin, but it will be important to preserving your lean mass and help you maintain your weight long term.