finally ready to lose the weight

I've been a member of mfp for quite some time. I guess about 3 years. I originally joined after my daughter was born. I would always start counting the calories, but get discouraged and quit. I have never been fit and honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I was always starving on such a low calorie count. Last week I started again. I've been lurking around for years, reading success story after success story and wanting so much to have my own success story. I guess something finally clicked in my head that I could do this. I set my calorie count a little higher to where I should lose a pound a week. I used my first week to get use to counting the calories and figuring out what I should be eating. I've gone over a little. I just did my first exercise in well, 3 years today. It was amazingly hard. But I feel loads better.

I can't explain it. I just feel different this go round with the weight loss. I feel ready. My plan is to just go slow. I don't want to burn out like I have in the past. I've always looked for a quick fix that never worked. I have started taking b12. In the week I've been on it, I've felt better. I fall asleep better, I wake up more refreshed. I've cut out soda completely. That is so unlike me, I'm a huge soda junkie. I'm suddenly craving water like it's liquid gold.

So I guess, I'm finally posting just to get support from people who who have been in my position and have made it to where I want to be.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    This is a lifestyle and not a diet. Good for you and best wishes!!