Peer support for emotional eaters

amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
edited January 2015 in Getting Started

Sorry if this has already been done, I couldn't see anything recent.

I've done the whole 'add friends' thing here for support before and have quite a few. But I'm an emotional eater. Eating is something very psychological for me - and I would love to add friends who get the difficulties of emotional eating and who want to engage in mutual peer support.

Feel free to add me if this applies, or to leave your details below if you'd also like others to add you for similar reasons :)


  • Ewoks1
    Ewoks1 Posts: 16 Member
    I am an emotional eater too and just sent you a friend request, I hope! Very new to this, you are the first person I have tried to invite besides my Mother!
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    Ewoks1 wrote: »
    I am an emotional eater too and just sent you a friend request, I hope! Very new to this, you are the first person I have tried to invite besides my Mother!

    Just accepted, and I can really identify with what you said in your message, I'm very similar... really hoping that having like minded people on here as friends might help :)
  • Ewoks1
    Ewoks1 Posts: 16 Member
    Me too! Nice to meet you and let me know what I can do for you! Even if it's just sending you an email you have to return that keeps your hands busy so you can't grab a cookie! Or a big of chips or whatever your Achilles food tendon is! Mine is potato chips by the way, or anything salty!
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    Ewoks1 wrote: »
    Me too! Nice to meet you and let me know what I can do for you! Even if it's just sending you an email you have to return that keeps your hands busy so you can't grab a cookie! Or a big of chips or whatever your Achilles food tendon is! Mine is potato chips by the way, or anything salty!

    ooh yum for chips :) I think if I'm struggling with cravings / wanting to pig out etc, I may post a status about t, and nice to think there could be others who 'get it' on there. and happy to similar for others and support them on their way :)