Looking for friends to help motivate me through this journey

Hi My name is Misti, and I have struggled with my weight since I was in my early teens. I have gained about 70 lbs in the past 7 years due to 3 pregnancies. So at this point I am needing all the support and encouragement I can get. Its going to be a long hard struggle but its something that has got to happen. So if you are in the same boat as me please add me and we can get through this together!!!!


  • slf1983
    slf1983 Posts: 31 Member
    Post pregnancy can be the worst. I have lost about 32lb since my son was born but I'm still way out of shape. It's so hard to recover from. I'll happily be a motivational buddy with you xx
  • shawbelt
    shawbelt Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I just had baby #2. My kiddos are 15 months apart, so I've torn up my body and can't exercise just yet. I'm a runner, so hanging onto this extra weight without a way to work it off is nerve wracking. And my clothes don't fit! Breastfeeding is supposed to help. I just can't limit my calories without feeling like I'm restricting my calorie into to the point where it could impact my milk supply. What have your strategies been? My mantra every day for the last week has been, "I can and I will." That helps a little.