Falling off the wagon...

skchilders Posts: 20 Member
I need to feel like I'm not alone in this....
My husband and I started going to a nutritionist a few weeks ago who gives us weekly meals (which is awesome for us as it leaves the guessing out of cooking). Her method is the three meals/three snacks throughout the day to keep metabolism pumping and hunger away. It is high in protein and the carbs all come from fruit that accompanies all the meals and snacks, and calories round out to about 1480 per day. We drink at least 130 oz of water a day, exercise 6 days a week for at least 40 minutes. The meals are good and the fruit helps with my sweet tooth.....but man....I miss bread....and milk....and cheese....and pasta. Man do I miss pasta.
And last night, we caved and had pizza. We both felt immediately guilty and then went and walked two miles to help pretend like it didn't happen. And to top it off, we've been eating so healthy and the weight is barely coming off (last week, I lost 4 ounces...WHAT?!) This morning, after having pizza last night...we both were down two pounds. Come on.
The good news is that slip off the wagon wasn't fatal and we are back on track today. Anyone else feeling frustrated with their food/bodies? It seems like when we do things the right way our bodies (or at least mine) go into complete rebellion. Annoying.


  • Lifts4IceCream
    Lifts4IceCream Posts: 77 Member
    It is OK to "Fall off the wagon". That is, as long as you get back on. For me, I can get a away with 2 cheat dinners a week (pizza, BBQ, 1/2# burger and fires). And the next morning, after that water weight has gone, I weigh myself, i have either lost a # or I did not gain anything. If did not have those meals, i would go nuts! Don't feel guilty, just get back on that wagon. You could always do the "If it Fits your Macros".