Aspiring Burlesque Dancer here--looking to slim down but keep the curves!

caileelouise Posts: 29 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! Thought I would finally suck it up and say hello! I'm 25, F, around 195ish.

I decided to start this journey because I'm an aspiring burlesque dancer and I'm making my performance debut on February 22! And while I am fairly confident with my overall hourglass shape, I would love to take off 10-15 lbs before then. I over-indulged too much over the holidays and felt pretty gross by the time the New Year rolled around. That's been my best inspiration so far, envisioning myself on stage feeling healthy, sexy, and fabulous!

After that, I would say my ultimate goal would be to go back to my college weight, which shifted between 155-165 lbs. That's to start anyway! We can see from there!

ANYWAY, I am very susceptible to public shame so I'm mostly motivated by other people and being accountable to others, and that's why I'm here! The community seems so awesome that I'm actually excited for the process!

I'm one week in, following a 1,200 calorie, extremely low-carb diet and exercising 5 days per week. I will probably start incorporating more healthy carbs after my performance debut.

Cheers everybody!
