Kind of feel like crying

I am trying so hard to lose weight. Everyday all day I feel like I am making good decisions and trying to be better and then you look at the scale and it just doesn't seem to say what you think that it should. Need some motivation especially right now!


  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Trust that you are making real, important changes in your body. Every good choice you make has an impact on your health. Unfortunately, the scale doesn't always reflect those changes right away. I am struggling with the same thing. I have to remind myself that it took more than a few days to put that weight on, so it will take time to take it off. This is my third time on MFP. The first time I lost 40 pounds, but I put about 20 back on, and I am very slowly working them off. It is a long and hard process but we can do it!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. I know that every time I re-start my training and being careful eating, I have to purposefully *ignore* the scale. When I start exercising and drinking lots of water, I always GAIN weight - and it's a couple weeks before I start to see/feel results. So - I have to be patient when I start. Don't know if that helps - also, that darn scale is the last thing you want to focus on! Slow weight loss will last. You are beautiful - and your smile is so happy - just keep at it and forget that scale. Pull out the tape measure if you need to have numbers. And drink another glass of water. xo
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you it really helps to know that I am not the only one who is feeling this way!!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I only weigh once a month because I was frustrated with feeling like I was working hard and staying under my calorie goal for the scale to say nothing positive was happening. It has made losing weight a lot less stressful. Especially since I have started to focus on other factors: how my clothes fit, inches lost, and fitness goals (walking less and running more while doing a mile). If I stay under goal and exercise to reach my fitness goals, the weight will eventually come off, right?
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    no way! I actually said "eff you!" to the scale out loud one day at the gym, lol! I looked around to make sure no one heard me.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    The scale is nothing but a number. That's all it is. It's JUST a number. It is NOT a definition of who you are as a person. It is NOT an accurate portrayal of how hard you're working to make the right decisions. It does NOT define you. It does NOT have any more power than YOU give to it. It upsets you because that's one of the ways that people are judged by others. But the reality is that the kind of person you are is SO much more important than a number on a scale. It's nothing more than a measurement. Don't allow it to be more than it is. And remember, there are going to be days that you'll want to dance naked on the rooftop because the number is better than you hoped for, and there will be days you wonder why you're trying SO darn HARD because that stupid thing doesn't show you what you want to see. Keep at it. One decision at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time. They will all add up to MAJOR losses. It's JUST a number. It's NOT who you are. :smile:
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    Lol that makes me feel a ton better!!! I just really want to keep going!!
  • Kendall2006
    Kendall2006 Posts: 124 Member
    Don't be sad. Each of our bodies are different. As long as you are eating enough calories and burning calories, then you should be able to lose some weight. But if you are eating less than necessary, you may be starving your body. Therefore your body is storing the nutrients that you are not feeding it. That is why the scale may tell you something you don't want to look at. I workout 6 days a week and am on a Budget diet. I log everything I place in my mouth. No matter what. This way I know when I have my sweet cravings and what I should replace with. As lugtches mentioned, Slow progress will last. In my eyes, I knew it was easy to put on. But it takes time to take off. Just make sure you are logging correctly and taking in the right calories.
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    debubbie wrote: »
    I only weigh once a month because I was frustrated with feeling like I was working hard and staying under my calorie goal for the scale to say nothing positive was happening. It has made losing weight a lot less stressful. Especially since I have started to focus on other factors: how my clothes fit, inches lost, and fitness goals (walking less and running more while doing a mile). If I stay under goal and exercise to reach my fitness goals, the weight will eventually come off, right?

    I can only hope so!!
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,216 Member
    edited January 2015
    Don't check the scale often. Check like once every 1-2 weeks to just see if the pounds are going down. This is important so you can make adjustments if you don't see it. Measurements are a better indicator of weight loss. How you look and feel is a better than a damn number on a scale. Scales are not perfect and often your weight can fluctuate +- 5 lbs daily. The point is, don't get so fixated/obsessed with the scale. Once you know your plan is making you lose weight only check the scale like monthly.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Instead of looking at how far you have to go, look at how far you've come.

    It might also help to lower your expectations.
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Don't check the scale often. Check like once every 1-2 weeks to just see if the pounds are going down. This is important so you can make adjustments if you don't see it. Measurements are a better indicator of weight loss. How you look and feel is a better than a damn number on a scale. Scales are not perfect and often your weight can fluctuate +- 5 lbs daily. The point is, don't get so fixated/obsessed with the scale. Once you know your plan is making you lose weight only check the scale like monthly.

    Thank you.. I think I will start just doing measurements for a while and worry about the scale later!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    also - remember that the time of the month that we (women) are the most irrational and insecure about our body image corresponds with the time we want to eat every salty, sweet thing in sight and also the time when our body is retaining water. Be careful that you aren't allowing one week of the month to sabotage your motivation overall. Generalizing here - no offense intended.
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,216 Member
    PS: if you gain muscle weight will fluctuate upward. So you can drop like 7 lbs of fat and then go back up 5 simply because you burned fat but also put on some muscle. That is another thing to consider. That is why people should not get so obsessed with scales. Again, how you look and feel plus measurements are a better way to indicate weight loss and fitness.
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    The scale is nothing but a number. That's all it is. It's JUST a number. It is NOT a definition of who you are as a person. It is NOT an accurate portrayal of how hard you're working to make the right decisions. It does NOT define you. It does NOT have any more power than YOU give to it. It upsets you because that's one of the ways that people are judged by others. But the reality is that the kind of person you are is SO much more important than a number on a scale. It's nothing more than a measurement. Don't allow it to be more than it is. And remember, there are going to be days that you'll want to dance naked on the rooftop because the number is better than you hoped for, and there will be days you wonder why you're trying SO darn HARD because that stupid thing doesn't show you what you want to see. Keep at it. One decision at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time. They will all add up to MAJOR losses. It's JUST a number. It's NOT who you are. :smile:

    Thank you so much!!! That's one of the best things I have heard in a long while!!
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    I think we all have these days!! Especially with the holidays just passing, I'm just trying to get into the swing of things again. :) Just keep your head up, no matter how small, every healthy choice is a step in the right direction <3
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't be sad. Each of our bodies are different. As long as you are eating enough calories and burning calories, then you should be able to lose some weight. But if you are eating less than necessary, you may be starving your body. Therefore your body is storing the nutrients that you are not feeding it. That is why the scale may tell you something you don't want to look at. I workout 6 days a week and am on a Budget diet. I log everything I place in my mouth. No matter what. This way I know when I have my sweet cravings and what I should replace with. As lugtches mentioned, Slow progress will last. In my eyes, I knew it was easy to put on. But it takes time to take off. Just make sure you are logging correctly and taking in the right calories.

    Yes that is what is frustrating to me is so easy it is to put on and so darn hard it is to get off!!
  • HQuinn96
    HQuinn96 Posts: 21 Member
    lgutches wrote: »
    also - remember that the time of the month that we (women) are the most irrational and insecure about our body image corresponds with the time we want to eat every salty, sweet thing in sight and also the time when our body is retaining water. Be careful that you aren't allowing one week of the month to sabotage your motivation overall. Generalizing here - no offense intended.

    No you are probably right... I might be a bit too emotional right now and that is certainly not helping the situation.
  • siobunnie25
    I always lose a good number the first week, because of decreasing the bloat. Now that I'm in week 2, I know that it will be slower. I ALWAYS give up during weeks 2-3 because I'm not seeing the numbers I want. I've lost 40 lbs in the past (gained back 20) and I still have that weight tracker so I can remind myself that even if I went up one week, as long as I am sticking with my plan, it will go back down! Take measurements and check them monthly - you will see the changes there! I have another trick - I have a piece of clothing that doesn't fit, and I try it on every week. You will notice you're getting closer every week - even if the scale looks like you aren't! You didn't gain it in a week, and it won't come off in a week! Take it slow, and it will last! Good luck!
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    Take measurements, often if scales not moving we can still see a diff in measuring.