question about the elliptical

this might sound like a dumb question but are the calories burned from an elliptical the same regardless of weight. . I feel like I'm really pushing it and 20 minutes on the elliptical burns 165 calories. For as Hard as it is, walking 30 mins on tredmill. Seems almost the same.


  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    No. Input your weight. I always do manual, asks for weight. And I do a level 10. All depends on weight, speed, duration and level.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Those numbers are all estimates and it really depends on your age, weight and heart rate. If you put in your personal info you will get an approximate calorie burn.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited January 2015
    As others say, no! The more info you feed into the elliptical (height, weight, age, heart rate, etc.).. the better its estimate of your burn will be. Weight makes a big difference.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    All exercise burn is dependent both on weight and fitness level.
  • donbell85
    donbell85 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the replies. Ill have to see about setting stats tomorrow. Im 290 lbs 5ft 9in and do it on level 5. Right now im just getting back into doing this so this is pretty hard. I keep a consistant speed of 2.7mph and do the 20 mins w a 2 min cool down. It always says 165 calories burned. I then walk for 30min w a 5 min cooldown at 2.8mph and burn 125 calories it says. I guess i was curious how much i was burning or if the machines count was right.

    I tried to find a calculator for these as id like to enter the right stats in my logs. Any ideas as to an accurate count with the level i am doing it at?
  • mmgavitt
    mmgavitt Posts: 82 Member
    I believe those value are based off the 'typical' male who is 180 lbs. So you are probably burning more. What does mfp say you burned when you plug in the workout?
  • donbell85
    donbell85 Posts: 14 Member
    Mfp asks for minutes and calories burned. Ive been entering what the machine says. Guess my defecit is bigger then i thought