Trying to lose but have lack of motivation

hello all,
My name is Lexie and since I've started college I've gained over 50lbs. I've become very self conscious, and I always blame my lack of exercise on not having enough time. But it's time to change that. I wish to seek helpful tips from you all! And good luck with your journeys!


  • Hi Lexie,
    I know how you feel, it is very hard to stay motivated. I am super busy - I work full time, I have a family and I am doing a degree in psychology. It is hard to find time but I have managed. It's only my first week and I hope to stick with it. I have a photo of myself from before I gained, and I look at it every day as an incentive. Keep at it, even if it's only a little at a time, you'll soon get into a routine.
    Add me if you like :)
  • veronicaWILLloseit
    edited January 2015
    Hi Lexie! I have gained about the same amount, plus I already had some extra. Need to lose 85lbs to be where I want to be. I blame my extra baggage on not having enough time, my children (last one was born in 2009), and my shiftwork work schedule. I'm done with excuses and I'm ready to get healthy and skinny. You can add me if you'd like.