Women with PCOS on MFP???



  • jazsibley
    jazsibley Posts: 1 Member
    I have PCOS too and I just had my little miracle baby 6 months ago. I'm trying to do the frustrating weight loss journey.
  • DeeDee620mfp
    I also have PCOS and was diagnosed when my hubby and I were trying to start a family for approximately a year in 2009... My Dr. put me on a small dose of (Clomid) a fertility pill. Once I took it I got pregnant on the second prescription. I now have 2 boys; both created with the assistance of Clomid, and realize they are my miracles... I also have about 40 pounds that I cannot lose. I just want to let you all know that it is very possible for you to get pregnant. Keep working at it!
  • Drewrymd83
    Drewrymd83 Posts: 13 Member
    I have PCOS as well and am always looking for friends in the same boat. I am currently trying to lose 80 lbs before I attempt getting on to fertility meds. I know I could start now technically, but for me, I believe I would feel better without that extra stress on my body. So please feel free to add me!
  • Oopcdaz
    Oopcdaz Posts: 6 Member
    I am so glad to find other women on here who struggle with the same issues. Sometimes it can feel kind of lonely. I am struggling with the weight loss (obviously) and have gone through, and failed, all the fertility treatments. Weight loss, as hard as it is, is the best answer. I could use encouragement from women who know what it is like. I am glad to meet you lovely ladies!
  • Catm226
    Catm226 Posts: 8 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20. My husband and I were ready to take the next step in our marriage, which was to start a family. I too was told that either birth control or clomid were my options. We tried clomid for a few months however my hubby was laid off. I couldn't remember the name of was I had been diagnosed with so I didn't do a whole lot of research on it until recently. My husband and I found out just after we came on from our 10 wedding anniversary to find I was pregnant. I had lost 125 pounds and that's all it took. Had I known that before, I would have started my weigh lose journey then. Next month my husband and I will be celebrating our 18 wedding anniversary and we have 2 beautiful children. I will not allow PCOS to run my life. I will continue to beat the odds and continue my weight lose journey. I am happy to see that there are more people out there like me so that I can provide and receive support. Please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • kholder87
    Catm226 wrote: »
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20. My husband and I were ready to take the next step in our marriage, which was to start a family. I too was told that either birth control or clomid were my options. We tried clomid for a few months however my hubby was laid off. I couldn't remember the name of was I had been diagnosed with so I didn't do a whole lot of research on it until recently. My husband and I found out just after we came on from our 10 wedding anniversary to find I was pregnant. I had lost 125 pounds and that's all it took. Had I known that before, I would have started my weigh lose journey then. Next month my husband and I will be celebrating our 18 wedding anniversary and we have 2 beautiful children. I will not allow PCOS to run my life. I will continue to beat the odds and continue my weight lose journey. I am happy to see that there are more people out there like me so that I can provide and receive support. Please feel free to add me as a friend :)

    I know that's right girl!!! I love to hear the positive side of PCOS!!
  • SraCr8on
    SraCr8on Posts: 11 Member
    I have had PCOS since I was about 14 too. This is my second "real" attempt at losing weight, and MFP is definitely a great tool to help with the process. kholder87, I'm glad you posted this thread. I hate PCOS, but I'm happy that I'm not, and you're not the only one out there with it. I've decided to go "all natural" with my ways of treating myself: water, adequate sleep, vegetables and fruits and not so much bread or high-carb foods, and hard core exercise. A nurse practitioner for an endocrinologist I saw once said that exercise is a MUST with PCOS, especially weight training, because low-carb/dieting isn't enough, and the muscle built will burn more fat. To the other ladies that had the miracle babies, I'm glad there's hope out there,...I'm 28 and no baby yet, but I'm ready to drop my 100lbs to get that miracle baby too! :-) Let's make 2015 our year to reach our goals!! PCOS be damned! :-)
  • radiantrapunzel1
    radiantrapunzel1 Posts: 1 Member
    I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed at 16, and was given birth control. Up until Nov. 2013, that was fine and dandy but my husband and I are trying to conceive. I also have stage 2 endometriosis. My OB put me on Metformin XR 750 mg and that was working for a while, but I now get blisters all over when I take it so I have weened myself off of it. After doing that (and the holidays, to be honest) I gained almost 10 lbs! I am currently 237 with a goal weight of 180. To throw another cog into the mix, I also have Celiac Disease. I have started back seriously tracking my caloric intake this week, and just in five days I've dropped about 3 lbs (granted, I realize that this is in part due to water weight). I haven't had a cycle since 11/13/14 and am miserable when it comes to hormones, sleep, etc. I would love to be SoulCysters (which, btw, is another GREAT resource for women w/ PCOS....check it out!).
  • ionahaynes
    ionahaynes Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello guys, I was diagnosed with pcos December last year, just trying to come to terms with it and understand it more, I have a lot of low moods, periods are a mess and trying to lose weight also to help me now and for me future, I would love to have some friends on here with the same situation as my and motivate eachother together
  • suzihbe
    suzihbe Posts: 19 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in high school after getting horrible migraines from birth control that contained estrogen. I am currently using Nexplanon, which I love because I don't have to worry about it. It is just there. I don't have any side effects from it except for the complete lack of a period. Since I have no plan to have children in the next few years, this works great for me.

    I tend to lose weight from stress, which is what happened last year. This year I am taking control of my calorie intake in order to purposely lose 40 pounds.

    PCOS is something that I am still learning about even though I have been diagnosed with it for about 7 years. Feel free to add me.
  • AllsmilesMom
    AllsmilesMom Posts: 12 Member
    I also have PCOS! I was dx in 2000, 6 months after I married. I threw out the birth control pills that day, my doc put me on Metformin, and we began our journey to conceive. Both times we conceived my kiddos, I was losing weight and was 211 pounds. Crazy, right? Have you read the Insulin Resistance Diet book? It's pretty informative. It just teaches you how to balance your carbs and proteins so that your blood sugars don't spike then crash. This has helped me greatly... When my blood sugar crashes, I tend to become aggressive hungy. LOL! Add me! I'd love to run this race with you!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I was diagnosed more than 20 years ago. I have always been active and had a good diet...too bad nobody ever mentioned that I should have been eating low carb! I discovered that on my own by tracking my food and watching what different choices did to my weight.

    I just want to tell you all that becoming diabetic is NOT inevitable with PCOS/Metabolic Syndrome if you take care of yourself. My fasting blood sugar is currently 70, A1C is 5.0.