Friends Wanted: Vegetarians and Moms (especially nursing/bf!!)

Hi everyone! I am looking for friends on here, especially if you are a vegetarian AND/OR a mom of littles, and ESPECIALLY if you are nursing/breastfeeding a baby!

My 2nd baby (a girl) is 5.5 mo old and I just started trying to lose weight again. I know it's really really hard for ME to diet when I'm exclusively breastfeeding, because I have to pump at work and if I don't eat enough in volume I just can't pump as much milk, so I was hesitant to start dieting again until this past week. I also have a 3 year old boy.

I have been vegetarian for about 2 years and love it. I would love to have some other veggie friends. My husband is a meat eater but is very supportive of my choices, especially since he cooks most of our meals he is great about doing meat separately if he wants it.

I am 28 years old, 5'5", looking to lose at least 100 lbs total, but my first goal is to get under 200 lbs. (so 50 to go now)

Add me if you want! I made my diary open to friends and would like other friends who have theirs open, and want to chat and share recipes, support, etc.