Under-eating or just not logging enough

Hello all,

I've been logging food for a while now, sometimes more consistently that others, but I always seem to actually hit my goals. Then when I do exercise there's no chance!

Am I likely to just be under estimating what I eat? I usually do estimate rather than measure dead accurately, but feel I estimate on the side of caution, as it 100g when it's probably only 80g.
My food diary is open if anyone cares to take a look.


  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    Only one way to know: weigh your food. There are some foods I don't weigh because it really makes no difference if I eat 18 or 25g worth of tomato but when you eat marge or chocolate spread or pate you're better off being precise.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited January 2015
    MikaMojito wrote: »
    Only one way to know: weigh your food. There are some foods I don't weigh because it really makes no difference if I eat 18 or 25g worth of tomato but when you eat marge or chocolate spread or pate you're better off being precise.

    This^^^ gotta weigh everything. But until you do it will be mostly guessing.
  • pietomb00
    pietomb00 Posts: 69 Member
    I had a feeling that would be the answer, thanks

    How on earth do you measure things like chocolate spread and marge? Would be a pain to actually use a tablespoon measuring spoon then try to dig it all out to spread it, or do I just suck it up and do that?
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    For things like chocolate or veggie spread I tend to get it out of the jar with a knife and weigh it as I put it onto the bread or whatever. I put the plate & bread on the scale, zero it and then add the spread. It works, and you soon get used to how 10g (or whatever weight a portion is) looks, so you don't have to mess around too much with getting too much out of the tub and having to scrape it back in or waste it.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    You may be underestimating, you may not be. Noone really knows, only you can know that.
  • pietomb00
    pietomb00 Posts: 69 Member
    I put the plate & bread on the scale, zero it and then add the spread. It works

    Ah ha! Thanks, I just didn't like the idea of getting more utensils dirty just to correctly weigh or measure it, this'll work :smiley:

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    For spreads, like butter/oil and pb, I actually do use measuring spoons to scoop it out. I'm not always actually spreading it onto anything. Especially with butter or oil, it is usually going into a heavy pan. Most other things I do weigh on a scale.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    you goal is set to 3700 cals a day. Are you bulking or trying to lose weight? Only two days of diary in there so not much to go on yet
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    On days I know I'll be more active, I triy to add more calories earlier in the day to better reach my goal. Today for example, I know I'm seeing my trainer after work and then have yoga class, so my food diary is pre-planned to the end of the work day with only about 300 calories left to goal, but by the time I get home from yoga, I know there will be more calories added from exercise for a decent supper/snack. If planned for what I'd eat on a less active day, I'd find myself at 8pm with 1000 calories to use up. Pre-panning goes a long way for that kind of thing.
  • pietomb00
    pietomb00 Posts: 69 Member
    Hmm interesting I don't usually count things like the oil I cook in :blush:
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you goal is set to 3700 cals a day. Are you bulking or trying to lose weight? Only two days of diary in there so not much to go on yet

    My goal is actually 3200 ish, it's just I often run (the same route) so ends up being 3700 after those calories are added back on. I'm on the fence between bulking/maintaining at the moment, would be bulking but can't seem to get my intake right.
    On days I know I'll be more active, I triy to add more calories earlier in the day

    I often try to do this, for example have porridge on days I cycle to work, didn't today mind. But that means adding anywhere from 600 to 1000+ calories through the day. Doesn't help my main meal is always the evening one that then adds up to less that I think it should! :neutral_face:

    An example of something I logged, which I think is spot on, is today's Stew, I made it, actually measured out all the ingredients and it only comes to 320cal per portion! That's beef, potatoes, carrots and gravy, surprises me how little it is.