The wagon stopped and let me back on!

Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
So, I decided this morning that I need to get the extra weight off. After having my new baby girl and gaining a good 60lbs, I was astounded that my body did not bounce back the way it did when I had my son in my early 20's. SHOCKING! You would think after having my 9lb daughter, I would be at least 9lbs slimmer than the prego me....that wasn't the case. So, I am on a mission to lose 50lbs. That is my goal right now. Once I hit that goal, I can think about losing more. I hate that I am tired all the time, that I don't want to do anything, and that I crave chocolate!! It doesn't even phase me to sit and eat a couple candy bars or half a box of Little Debbies. I stopped telling myself that I shouldn't eat seconds or to stop doing impulse buys at the cash register. So I am here to work on that and try and eat a little better. It's hard when you husband is 6"4' and 180lbs or nothingness and can eat 4000 cals on a light day.
Anyway, excuses aside, what I am saying is that I would love the support of my fitness pal friends. I NEED the support; honestly, I just don't have the willpower yet, and I can admit that. Thanks for reading my rant, and consider adding me as a friend. Thanks!!


  • cynfee00
    cynfee00 Posts: 13 Member
    Good for you! I myself took a nose dive off the fitness wagon and am climbing back on. I am sending you a friend request now. You can do it!
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    start drinking more water and cut out sodas (even diet) if you can. Once I rid those from my diet I didn't crave sweets as much (actually I hardly ever crave them now)
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I plan to cut out soda completely. I tried to go cold turkey and went through what I could only call withdraw. I had a migraine, upset stomach, throwing up, chills. I thought I had the flu, but it only lasted that day and I have been slowly weaning myself off now. I went from probably a 2 liter of soda, 2-3 glasses of sweet tea, and a whole lot of chocolate on a daily basis, to 1 24oz diet soda for the caffeine. I plan to be done with the diet soda completely by the middle of next week. I had lost 50-75lbs in the past and I remember how nice it was to crave good foods instead of bad. I was excited about my grilled chicken breasts after working out, and over the moon when that scale started moving. I miss that so much.
  • cherylann11
    cherylann11 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi i too have got back on the wagon again!, im half way through 2nd week, feel free to add me to your friend list