New, but old!

Hi there! I thought I'd introduce myself as I've used Myfitnesspal for a very long time, but I've decided to start taking it seriously.

I'm Hannah, I'm a 19yro student studying counselling and psychology at university. As a student, its difficult to look after your health, so I'm trying to work my way into the minority and keep myself fit and healthy by avoiding eating badly (I don't have cash spare for takeaway anyway!), and I thought using this correctly may help me out, so fingers crossed it will!

I've had a few issues with disordered eating in the past, but that's all been put behind me and I'm very much on the mend, and plan on looking after myself more than every before. I've been vegetarian (don't worry, I'm not one of those vegetarians) for 10 months+ and plan on continuing it after transitioning from veganism, but I seriously have to learn how to cook tofu. I have no idea what to do with it. Its currently just a watery, white block lurking at the back of my fridge.
Anyway, I plan on maintaining a healthy weight - something which I haven't managed to do for a very long time! - and caring for my body.

I'd love to get to know some of you and I wish you all my support!


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi Hannah I am Megan ...I too have decided to start taking this seriously ...This will be our year ....stay positive and take one day at a time are more than welcome to add me if you would like...As for tofu can bake it with teriyaki can pan fry it with any kind of sauce...I personally like to marinade it with sauce for an hour or so ..then pan fry it with garlic , broccoli soy sauce ...wishing you much success :)
  • absurdic
    absurdic Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Hannah! Before I started at uni I lost 13 kg with mfp! Then school happened. I'm in my 2d year right now and I sure do know your struggles. I mostly eat vegitarian food but sometimes I eat white meat. Then again, I have vegandays to balance it out! I'm going to send you a friend request! :lol:
  • caseythelab
    caseythelab Posts: 25 Member
    I agree, slice the tofu thin and pan fry it with a bit of oil and whatever seasonings you like, basil, garlic, etc.