Depression, Debilitating Panic Attacks, and OCD



  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,218 Member
    I get depressed off and on. I used to be depressed everyday years ago but that changed. I experienced panic attacks, social anxiety, and some form of OCD as well, but none of this anymore.

    My biggest problem is just being lonely and this gets me depressed.
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,218 Member
    edited January 2015
    PS: Any of you can add me as a friend if you want. I could even talk to you further about these issues and how I got over most of them. Please share your tips too.
  • Formyownsake
    Formyownsake Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you everyone. I feel better today but it's a day by day thing I guess. I am working with a psychologist and yes I am on meds.

    Love you all.
  • nettece1
    nettece1 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes it is day by day.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Glad you are here. I suggest each week taking a different food type, wheat, gluten, sugar, and experimenting with monitoring you moods, mental stability and energy level, in relationship to the food you eat. You may find a "cure" for a lot of your issues, just by diet changes.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    sodakat wrote: »
    If you are in an urban area, do some research and see if you can find a cognitive therapy group session for panic disorder. I strongly encourage you to try a group setting! Best of luck.

    ^ This helped with my anxiety attacks and I didn't have one for two decades afterwards. Now they are extremely rare. They taught me a simple breathing technique and it works because you don't feel out of control any longer.

  • nettece1
    nettece1 Posts: 13 Member
    Glad you are here. I suggest each week taking a different food type, wheat, gluten, sugar, and experimenting with monitoring you moods, mental stability and energy level, in relationship to the food you eat. You may find a "cure" for a lot of your issues, just by diet changes.

    Great idea!!
  • Moderate to severe depression, anxiety and bipolar tendancies. I do suffer fro panic attacks occasionally, I can't breathe, and I shake and get really dizzy and see black patches. I don't get them as often anymore though. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year now. It's especially hard because I try really hard to be a cheerful person but then once you've convinced everyone that's who you are, you're not allowed to have a bad day and you just have to keep pretending. It's nice to know there are others and I send the best of luck and love to all of you.
  • YOu are definitely not alone. I have Bipolar Disorder and GAD. I deal with anxiety daily. I'm working on removing the stressful situations/people that trigger the anxiety. Medications have stopped working for both disorders, so I'm going to approach of daily exercise and eating right to help. If you ever need someone to talk to, just send me a message. I'm happy to help.
  • nettece1
    nettece1 Posts: 13 Member
    Going to be a long day today. I had 3 anxiety attacks yesterday. I have alot on my plate and sometimes it overwhelms me. I had a whopping 3 hours of sleep and now have 9 hours to work. I have an Autistic teenage son and being a single mom causes lots of anxiety but yesterday I just felt broken. Sorry, not looking for sympathy, just need to get it out sometimes. This is the only place I feel I wont be judged.