New and Struggling


My name is Julie. My daughter turned me on to your site and I really love it. It really helps me keep track of food and liquids, plus exercise. I recently found out I have Auto-Immune Thyroid Disease, Fibromyalgia, a spinal disease and Degenerative Osteo-Arthritis. I am also considered obese as I weight 231 pounds. So I have to completely change my diet and liquid intake. My entire life I was always skinny and ate whatever I wanted without even considering calories. However, now I have to read the labels on everything before I purchase it. It is a huge change in lifestyle. But I am really working hard to make changes. I have been walking 30 minutes everyday. And I'm going to join a gym. I am also disabled because of an ankle injury from 2008. That's one of the reasons I have gained so much weight and also all the new meds I take say they can cause weight gain. So I have an even harder issue with the weight gain. Also, I find it really hard to meet my 1200 calories a day, as I have no apetite at all. So I literally force feed myself. I'm just really struggling with all these changes and need some support. I cry a lot now....just feel so overwhelmed with all these health issues and being alone with no mate. I have been divorced for 9 years and I don't date. So if anyone wants to make a new friend, please respond. Thanks


  • monilove617
    monilove617 Posts: 34 Member
    My heart is breaking for you!! I too have Fibromyalgia and it's difficult to get motivated. Everytime I try pushing myself a little further, I injure myself. One day at a time! This is a great app to keep you grounded. If you stay within your calorie intake, you will succeed!! We can do it!! We need to have a positive attitude! I will add you and we can encourage each other!!
  • ohjules59
    ohjules59 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much! I really need a friend that understands what I'm going through and I will pray for you, as I love Jesus! I'm actually feeling really strong about eating healthy, drinking my 3 liters of water everyday and joining a gym. I had my first water aerobics class. Next I'm going to one of their yoga classes as I can't do high impact exercises be cuz of my disability(bad ankle) fell down a flight of stairs cuz it was pitch black outside Very serious injury. Has greatly impaired my mobility....anyway enuf about me. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • FullofSuccess
    FullofSuccess Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm an excellent motivator. Just take take things one day at a time.