Do I Need a Rest Day?

LMotiram Posts: 20 Member
edited November 10 in Fitness and Exercise
I haven't thought about this before now but I'm wondering if I "need" a rest day. Lately I mostly do Jillian Michaels workouts: 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, and now Shred with Weights - the kettle bell workout. I have a larger kettle bell. The top alone is 16 lbs and I have been using just that until today. I started out alternating Level 1 workout one day and Level 2 the next then began doing both of them back to back. Today I started with Level 2 (to get it out of the way) then added the bottom of the kettle bell to make it an even 20 lbs. I was pleased to find I could do Level 1 with this much weight and plan on continuing it this way for awhile. I usually workout every day and something gets in the way once a week or so - so in reality I average 6 days a week. Is that okay? 20 lbs is a personal high. I don't know if I'm moving enough weight to "need" a rest day or if I'm still light enough that a rest day would be superfluous. Thoughts?


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    There's no way that we can tell you that. If you feel like you need a rest day, you probably needed one a week ago.
  • leachjg
    leachjg Posts: 63 Member
    Yes you need rest days. It allows your muscles to recover. It can be an active day, but walking or gardening, or something very low impact as such.
  • LMotiram
    LMotiram Posts: 20 Member
    So I'm lifting enough to need time for my muscles to rebuild or whatever it is that do that requires a day off? I'm sorry. I'm not well versed in this. Basically, I don't get upset if I lose a day or even two during the week, but I'm wondering if I'd see better muscle development with one day with kettle bell, one day without or if I'm still "light" enough that my muscles aren't in need of rebuilding. (If that is what they do.)
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