Gym anxiety.

Last week I joined my local gym because this time I really felt like I was motivated enough to stick to a healthy lifestyle. First week went very well...
Today I walked in and the gym was PACKED. No elliptical machines open, super buff men and women taking up the weights. I felt so insecure. My first instinct was to run to the bathroom. So I did. Thank goodness there was no one in there while I frantically texted my husband about how packed it was. Anyways, my question many of you have gym anxiety and how do you over come it? I need advice because I feel like if this continues to happen, I'll end up not going at all :(


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Maybe ask the staff when the slower times are and try to go then. The other thing is, in January I would think that they usually see a surge in activity due to the New Year's resolutions so it's not likely to last. The other thing is, even though you may feel self-conscious, my experience at the gym is that everyone there is focused on themselves and their own workout- they just want to get in, get it done and leave. Most have earbuds in or are focused on a TV screen on their machine, etc and are totally in their own zone and pay no mind to those around them. Good luck to you and hope that you can find a time that works for you!
  • atarsia
    atarsia Posts: 2 Member
    I understand completely! What works best for me is to just take it one step at a time. Don't worry about the other people. They are focused on their workouts and most likely didn't notice the person sweating next to them. Go in with 3 different machines to start with ....that way when one kind you like isn't available, you still have 2 other options. Personally my routine is elliptical, treadmill (walking) and then bike. But if there's no elliptical open I still have a fall back plan! It helps me a lot! Don't give up girl!!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I go to the gym 5 days a week and while I don't have anxiety about being there (I love it), I get anxiety when I'm going to try a new lift. I don't want to hurt myself and yeah, I have a bit of an ego and don't want to look like a fool. Luckily there are so many videos to watch online. If you want to try something new, look it up first!

    When you first start going, do things you're comfortable with. You'll build confidence and will be trying more things in no time.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I guess I just adjusted my time some years back to when it wasn't so busy and pushed through being nervous and after a short while I just wasn't anymore.

    When I workout I really don't pay much attention to others, I listen to music and do my workout. If I swim that day it's easy to get lost in tracking my laps, or if I take a class we're all doing our own thing and no one seems to be paying to anyone else.

    It's YOUR workout, try and keep that in mind. I go pretty early, is that possible for you? Someone up above suggested asking at the desk to find out the slower times... great idea!!

    Good luck, whatever you do don't allow yourself to quit because of someone else, you have just as much right to be there as anyone else!! ;)
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Eventually you will discover that it's not really anything to be afraid of. It's just ordinary people trying to do the same thing you are and they were all intimidated once like you are now.
  • karlsantiago
    karlsantiago Posts: 90 Member
    bring headphones and block the world out....then the gym becomes yours dont stare at anyone just focus on yourself in the mirror then hopefully over time you will become comfortable no matter what
  • Behindthesehazeleyes96
    I felt the same way only was comfortable if I brought a friend and we pushed each other to work hard
  • jaemarie21
    jaemarie21 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm trying so hard to just focus on myself. I know we're all there for the same reason I just feel more insecure because I'm less advanced than some people there. I will over come this!!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    It doesn't matter if your starting point is being able to run on a treadmill for an hour. Or walk on it for 5mins. Everyone had to start somewhere once. Focus on the 1st week that you enjoyed. You'll have plenty more weeks/months like that to come.