Pool embarrassment...



  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Wow.. thanks for all the kind words everyone. I didnt think id get THAT many responses. Looks like Ive gotta suck it up and get my *kitten* in the pool! Next time I go, Ill be in there!
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Well, you are already going into the hot tub. You are over half way there. Just take a few more steps and get in the pool. Once you are in the water, no-one will see your belly. But wear a rash guard shirt as mentioned above if you are really concerned.

    If you really can't swim very well, maybe they offer adult swim classes?
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    Kudos for getting into the hot tub! I would love to go swimming, but I have put off buying a new bathing suit because I can't stand to see my flabby thighs. I will have to settle on one eventually, if I plan on hitting the beach or even running through the sprinkler in my backyard. Uggh. :sad:
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    1) You are out here doing it rather than sitting on your couch doing nothing. You are doing far better than any of those people already.
    2) It takes time to get better, but if you keep at it you will.
    3) If you have any questions, i'll try to answer them or get you in touch with someone who can.

    I LOVE this!
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    Don't be embarrassed.. Who gives a crap what people think...?
    Just do your thing. Quote the Nike Marketing engine.. Just Do It
    Get in there... realize that you are not alone...
    YES,, YOU, may be the motivation for someone else who is embarrassed to get out there...


    Walk proud, be proud. I find people who are comfortable in their own skin to be simply awesome.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Wow.. thanks for all the kind words everyone. I didnt think id get THAT many responses. Looks like Ive gotta suck it up and get my *kitten* in the pool! Next time I go, Ill be in there!

    YAY! Good for you! :) Go for it!
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member

    Walk proud, be proud. I find people who are comfortable in their own skin to be simply awesome.

    getting comfortable in my own skin is going to take a lot of time... Its something ive never been
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    You can do it! If you want, you can wear a T-shirt. However, I do not think that is necessary. : )

    You havent seen me with my shirt off... its definitely necessary! lol

    It wouldn't matter to me if your moobs were bigger than mine. I'd be the one silently cheering you on to be going for it and getting your swim on! Also, I have found that when I'm heavier, I float better and swimming is actually even easier! It's the one place I feel light and free and floaty no matter how heavy I am at the moment.

    Judgmental people will always find something cr@ppy to put you down about, no matter whether you're heavy, light, or somewhere in between. Live your life, participate in the activities you want to participate in. Go for it, and don't let the turkeys get you down.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    Wow.. thanks for all the kind words everyone. I didnt think id get THAT many responses. Looks like Ive gotta suck it up and get my *kitten* in the pool! Next time I go, Ill be in there!

    You don't look like you would need to wear a shirt to swim. (just judging by the pic) I think everyone is more worried about their own bodies and someone would have to be very unusual to get noticed. When I have noticed someone else who was bigger in the pool, I feel glad to have another person with me in the pool who isn't a perfect beach body.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Don't be embarrassed.. Who gives a crap what people think...?
    Just do your thing. Quote the Nike Marketing engine.. Just Do It
    Get in there... realize that you are not alone...
    YES,, YOU, may be the motivation for someone else who is embarrassed to get out there...

    i'm usually the only fatty in my pool . i have horrible stamina in terms of laps which means i frequently have to stop in the middle of the lane to get my breath before i go on again. i'm sure my strokes look pathetic especially as i start to get tired.. but who cares? most people are too busy doing their own thing to notice what's others are doing. if they do notice and want to laugh or whatever then that's on them. you pay your gym fees like they do and have much of a right to be there as they do.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    You can do it! If you want, you can wear a T-shirt. However, I do not think that is necessary. : )
    You havent seen me with my shirt off... its definitely necessary! lol
    Sympathetic ear here dude, I feel your pain. I have an above ground pool with a deck and opaque fencing, it's bordered on 3 sides by my house and 'redtips' (20+ foot tall hedges).... and I STILL wear a compression shirt when I'm in it! I buy 'Starter' brand sleeveless ones from WalMart ($10 for men's small). They're great because their dry-weave type material wicks sweat away from your skin when not in pool, but will handle being in water and not weigh your down like a t-shirt will. Plus, once you get out they'll air-dry like that <snaps fingers>!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    The best thing I did was use our association pool when I first started my weight loss program. I was there 3 times a week. I felt more envious of the other women that had cute bikini bodies than self concious about my own body. I started out water jogging. Fifteen minutes back and forth. Then a half hour...then 45 min...then finally I was able to jog a full hour. I added water calisthenics and lap swimming to my workout and the pounds just dropped off. The pool is open on weekends finally and I will be there both Saturday and Sunday to pick up where I left off. DON'T be afraid of what people think because the results are worth it. :)
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    The 3 or 4 people probably feel the same way.
  • Calinorth
    Calinorth Posts: 7
    I used to feel the same way dude! but just take that bad boy off and jump in!. Most people dont pay attention to others anyways because they are all thinking the same thing.
  • Luckldy31
    Luckldy31 Posts: 34 Member
    I swim at the gym... I'm not aerodynamic because of my body shape, I am a terrible swimmer, and I'm always paranoid that I missed a spot shaving my legs so I don't want to be in a swimsuit... but I convinced a friend of mine to join, and we go together. If you have a friend who goes to your gym, or you have a guest pass, I would suggest that. My friend pushes me, and I push her, and together, we don't think about what others are thinking, we just focus on getting in a good workout.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Seriously bro . . . don't worry about it. The only one spending any energy on it is you.
    And if this guy can find the courage so can you.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I read your post and thought, "what, it's no big deal, you'll be fine, no one is going to judge you, have fun!" Then I remembered, this is the same exact thing I've been worrying about all week. Husband is threatening to take me swimming immediately when the pool opens. XD Anyways, I can really relate, and now after wanting to encourage you, I feel like maybe I should be taking some of that advice myself. So thanks for indirectly helping me get the courage to go too. If it's still hard, maybe imagine you are trying to convince someone to go, that way it'll give you some perspective, like it did for me.

    I hope you do take everyone's advice and enjoy yourself. :)
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    To be honest, I've struggled with this... but never at a pool, where people are expected to have their shirt off. It's a pool.

    if it matters to you, just take the time to groom yourself. Now, If you look like a chubby bear and you don't care, that's fine -- there's some excellent swimmers at my gym who look like that and are damn fast. But if you are a bit skittish, cut down the forest a bit, you might feel more confident.

    Not that my opinion matters, but I think T-shirts are silly. Wear a rashguard, or nothing.
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I did it. I decided to hit the gym before my plans tonite and I got in some cardio. 45 mins on the treadmill walk/jog. I went down to the pool and it was a little crowded so I went to the jacuzzi again. Say there for about 5 mins then the pool just emptied! I got my goggles and found the furthest lane possible and had at it. Really awkward at first but I got thru it. I did only 6 laps before I felt winded but I could tell that with the 10 mins I was there I got a better workout than the treadmill. Maybe I've found my new calling? Thanx all for the encouragement!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Don't forget a large number of people swimming won't have their glasses on (and contacts come out in the pool, as I found to my cost once).

    So the people you think are staring could be trying to work out where the water stops before they swim headfirst into the wall, whether the showers are behind you, or if that's going to end with them trying to get into the broom cupboard.

    And if they can see past their own nose, they're not interested in another random guy swimming.