Low Carb-ers! Losing weight through healthy low carb eating!

pfran09 Posts: 7 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
I have recently lost 37 pounds in the last three months cutting out bad carbs. I have practically eliminated bread, white rice, pasta, and sweets from my everyday diet. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments where I cheated, but never over indulged. If I fall off the wagon, I immediately recognize it and get right back on. Physically and mentally, I feel sooooo much better overall!! My energy level is high. I don't have "brain fog" like I used to. I have 60 more pounds I want to lose and plan to have it off by July. Anyone one else on the same journey? Any great low carb snack recipes to share?


  • reeserox
    reeserox Posts: 55 Member
    Hey I've been following a low carb eating style as well. More specifically I've been doing a keto eating style and I love it. I only started about 3 weeks ago and I've lost about 15 lbs with it and about 3% body fat so far. Cutting out the carbs definetly help and I feel so much more energetic.

    For recipes that call for rice, I've turned to grated cauliflower. I've even used cauliflower for pizza "dough". When I started to miss bread I got almond meal, flax meal, and coconut flour to make a loaf that I can eat my tuna with. I'm still trying to find the perfect recipe.

    Caveman keto is a nice resource if you are interested.
  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    My name is tina.Im counting my carbs as well.its the best method I have ever used in trying to lose weight.i swear I would have never thought it but it has totally has worked for me! I try to stay under 100 carbs&no more than 150.i exercise 3 to 4 days a week.I only needed to lose 20 to 25 lbs and I did in 3 months.It was such a a fast pace weight loss I thought . I recommend it for everyone.You do feel good and cleansed and Ive noticed I don't get that bloated feeling either.I wish u continued sucess!
  • pfran09
    pfran09 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, Reeserox and tioubkelly. I must try the cauliflower for pizza dough! Someone told me that Pinterest has great low carb recipes as well. I am now pushing myself to exercise!!! I mostly work out on the elliptical, but I am hoping to start strength training once I get over this cold I'm battling.
  • angelicawix
    angelicawix Posts: 6 Member
    I lived with my grandfather when I was out of high school and the doctor put him on a diabetic diet of 60 carbs a meal, 3 meals a day. I ate the way he did (usually only 45-50 a meal though) and lost 60 pounds in 8 months. I got married, had a baby, and gained every bit of it back. So here I am again lol. Good luck girl!
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Good to hear!!! I am not there yet, but I have done Paleo in the past and I can relate to feeling better by cutting out the junky carbs. Well done.
  • pfran09
    pfran09 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, Angelicawix. Low carb is the only weight loss program that has worked for me. I am determined to get these remaining pounds off of me by summer!!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Wow, all of you are doing EXCELLENTLY! I try to keep my carb intake between 50-100g. I just feel better!
  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    pfran09 wrote: »
    I have recently lost 37 pounds in the last three months cutting out bad carbs. I have practically eliminated bread, white rice, pasta, and sweets from my everyday diet. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments where I cheated, but never over indulged. If I fall off the wagon, I immediately recognize it and get right back on. Physically and mentally, I feel sooooo much better overall!! My energy level is high. I don't have "brain fog" like I used to. I have 60 more pounds I want to lose and plan to have it off by July. Anyone one else on the same journey? Any great low carb snack recipes to share?

    Hi. I'm doing the same thing. But I'm finding that I'm not really losing as much as I should it's been 3 weeks and I've lost 9. 11 pounds but the most pounds I lost was in the first two weeks since last week I haven't lost anything I've been working out 4 to 5 days a week and I'm wondering if that is affecting me. Can you please let me know if you work out. Also,is this your first time doing low carb. Because I heard the second third and fourth time around is definitely much harder and this is definitely more than my third time around
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    pfran09 wrote: »
    I have recently lost 37 pounds in the last three months cutting out bad carbs. I have practically eliminated bread, white rice, pasta, and sweets from my everyday diet. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments where I cheated, but never over indulged. If I fall off the wagon, I immediately recognize it and get right back on. Physically and mentally, I feel sooooo much better overall!! My energy level is high. I don't have "brain fog" like I used to. I have 60 more pounds I want to lose and plan to have it off by July. Anyone one else on the same journey? Any great low carb snack recipes to share?

    Oct 2014 I was fed up that I could not taper off of sweets and basically all carbs so I just left them cold turkey. No brain fog/sugar crashes is awesome.

    I had to go pick up some things for the wife when she was fixing our Christmas meal and was really hungry and it was going to be a while before I could eat. Thought since I was in a large grocery store I could find a no carb snack that would not spoil in cold or heat. After about 15 minutes I ran into some pork rinds and they had no Carbs. Now I keep a few bags in the trunk of the car and often have an opened one up front within reach.

    This afternoon I had a flat tire before I could eat. After 1.5 hours of effort I got to the tire shop on the donut tire just before they closed and bought a new set of four since it is winter. Having planned to watch a 5 PM movie and it was 4:45 pm before the car was ready with new tires so just popped the trunk and ate a handful before the movie then ate a couple hours later.

    Having a no carb snack high in fat handy is great in my case. Pork Rinds save me from time to time. I would not want to live on them but if they save me from carbs that is a good thing in my view. If I start hitting on Carbs the cravings start to return.


  • jennifermadoll
    jennifermadoll Posts: 8 Member
    I started keto three weeks ago. Lost 13 lbs so far and my energy levels actually exisit again!!! Makes it a great help since I work over night awake shifts and eating carbs at work made me feel tired. Now if i am hungry at work I snack on some pepperoni and make sure I drink more water. Now I just need to start a workout routine.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Great work everyone
    Can you buy a keto diet book or is there on on the net low carbing works for me but I can't face MRP again
  • I'm just starting out on this and I went a week doing low carb, not keto level but just low carb. I felt good. I felt more alert and more energetic. I found foods that I already liked and made slight changes so I wouldn't get bored. Just for an experiment I went back to eating normal for two days and I felt like crap. I got a huge headache one day and felt so tired. I'm back on track now. It's hard though because I live with a diabetic who has to be very careful with low carb/keto. I hate how I feel after I eat high starches. I do have cauliflower to try out the pizza crust :smile:
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I've lost about 85 pounds and have about 20ish to go. I gradually lowered carbs by first cutting sugar, wheat and rice out of my daily diet. I only have them on rare occasions (once or twice a month), and only outside the home. I am now trying to keep total carbs under 100 grams per day (was previously closer to 150 on average), but have only been doing that for about a week so we'll see how that goes.

    I love no longer having cravings or sugar crashes. This is the most sustainable way to eat for me...I never feel deprived and can easily imagine eating this way for the rest of my life. And everything I have read indicates that there are great health benefits that go well beyond weight control.
  • Hi, I lost 2 stone in 3 months 2 years ago through low carbs. All but 8lbs of it slowly crept back on so here I am almost back where I started. I'm so annoyed with myself but couldn't find the motivation to lose it again, avoiding the scales as I knew what they would say.
    I recently started having back pain and I know its my weight so got on the scales and confirmed what my body was telling me. I have 40 pounds to lose.
    Today is day 3 and I'm doing ok. I've bought coconut flour and oil and found some recipes on paleo sites which have helped get me through the sugar cravings.
    This time I'll stay the course and get to target :)
  • I started keto three weeks ago. Lost 13 lbs so far and my energy levels actually exisit again!!! Makes it a great help since I work over night awake shifts and eating carbs at work made me feel tired. Now if i am hungry at work I snack on some pepperoni and make sure I drink more water. Now I just need to start a workout routine.

    Any suggestions or favorite snacks on the keto diet ?

  • pfran09
    pfran09 Posts: 7 Member
    jimmy0911 wrote: »
    pfran09 wrote: »
    I have recently lost 37 pounds in the last three months cutting out bad carbs. I have practically eliminated bread, white rice, pasta, and sweets from my everyday diet. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments where I cheated, but never over indulged. If I fall off the wagon, I immediately recognize it and get right back on. Physically and mentally, I feel sooooo much better overall!! My energy level is high. I don't have "brain fog" like I used to. I have 60 more pounds I want to lose and plan to have it off by July. Anyone one else on the same journey? Any great low carb snack recipes to share?

    Hi. I'm doing the same thing. But I'm finding that I'm not really losing as much as I should it's been 3 weeks and I've lost 9. 11 pounds but the most pounds I lost was in the first two weeks since last week I haven't lost anything I've been working out 4 to 5 days a week and I'm wondering if that is affecting me. Can you please let me know if you work out. Also,is this your first time doing low carb. Because I heard the second third and fourth time around is definitely much harder and this is definitely more than my third time around

    I just started exercising. I didn't do much during the first three months because I was focused on eating healthy which was my biggest problem. The exercising could be affecting what you are seeing on the scale because muscle weighs more than fat, but don't stop! You will look up one day and see a drastic difference. Keep going! You are probably losing inches. Journal what you are eating too. You will plateau every once and a while, just switch up your exercise routine and lower your carb intake for a week or so. That usually works for me.

    This is my third time too doing low carbs. The first time, I lost 45 pounds in four months and then got pregnant with our third daughter. I gained it all back plus some. I tried one more time afterwards, but mentally I wasn't ready. So, here I am trying again. This time I am determined and focused. I tried WW and a couple of other diets, but found that cutting out the bad carbs and sweets works for me. I just started exercising on the elliptical and plan to start strength training this week. Good Luck!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    pfran09 wrote: »
    I have recently lost 37 pounds in the last three months cutting out bad carbs. I have practically eliminated bread, white rice, pasta, and sweets from my everyday diet. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments where I cheated, but never over indulged. If I fall off the wagon, I immediately recognize it and get right back on. Physically and mentally, I feel sooooo much better overall!! My energy level is high. I don't have "brain fog" like I used to. I have 60 more pounds I want to lose and plan to have it off by July. Anyone one else on the same journey? Any great low carb snack recipes to share?

    Hey OP, well done on your 37lb loss.

    I did a very similar thing and cut back and in some cases cut out the past and bread.

    It does creep back in every so often, but going low carb for me is a comfortable lifestyle change.

    My low carb go-to food is hot chilli (minus the kidney beans - although I dropped the KB even before I ever entertained low carb).