Anyone Start a Running Streak For the New Year?

I am a pretty regular but average to below average runner. In my good days, I'll average between 20-30 miles a week but then I'd miss ONE workout/run and I'd stop for weeks if not longer. With the new year here and resolutions to be made I thought the best way to avoid the trap of missing a running day or a rest day turning into a rest month would be to dedicate myself to run at least a mile everyday for the entire year.

So far, it's been 12 days and while I am going strong, my body can feel the effect. Anyone else here a "streaker"? Any suggestions on how to manage running everyday without any rest days for your body to recuperate? One thought is to start around midnight and finish after midnight and get credit for both days. What about shorter, slower runs? What about stretching? Recovery nutrition? I really want to keep to this promise to myself not to fail here. Could use your help!



  • katelynmccloy
    katelynmccloy Posts: 49 Member
    Ever since the 1st I started running 30-50 mins everyday for about 5/7 days of the week!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i did a run streak last year of 127 days. it helped keep my weight down. I'm going to go for 3-4 times a week now. if not more.
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    im back on it for 2015. Got my distance back to 6 miles (67 minutes) goal is 4 times a week. Eventually will turn one or both of my w/e runs into a longer distance
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think you have to figure out what your goals are. At 20-30 mpw, honestly you shouldn't even notice a mile on what would otherwise be a rest day. You certainly don't need to change nutrition for it.

    Then again, a single mile, if you are already at that level, isn't really doing anything for you except making more laundry. And its just as easy to blow off a single mile as it is to blow off a longer run (easier, in fact. One cold night of "am I really going out at midnight to run *one* mile?" could be the death of the streak).

    Now, if you're not at 20-30 miles a week (you said you have issues sticking to it, so I'm unsure), you'd be far better off trying to gain consistency running 3 or 4 times per week. If you feel bad 12 days in, you're setting yourself up for failure. Even the most hard core ultra runners take rest days.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think you have to figure out what your goals are. At 20-30 mpw, honestly you shouldn't even notice a mile on what would otherwise be a rest day. You certainly don't need to change nutrition for it.

    Then again, a single mile, if you are already at that level, isn't really doing anything for you except making more laundry. And its just as easy to blow off a single mile as it is to blow off a longer run (easier, in fact. One cold night of "am I really going out at midnight to run *one* mile?" could be the death of the streak).

    Now, if you're not at 20-30 miles a week (you said you have issues sticking to it, so I'm unsure), you'd be far better off trying to gain consistency running 3 or 4 times per week. If you feel bad 12 days in, you're setting yourself up for failure. Even the most hard core ultra runners take rest days.


    One could argue that the rest days are just as important as the running days for making actual progress towards actual running-oriented/performance-based goals (and not just running daily for the sake of saying you did it).
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    Right now, my goal is running on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Cross training on Tuesday and Thursday. Then I rest on the weekends. I am planning to add a weekend run in eventually. Right now, I am focused on consistency. If I ran every single day, I would totally crash and burn. And if I don't cross train/strength train, I end up with aches and pains.

    I am registered for a 5k in March, a 10k in June, and a half marathon in September. I have my training plans all printed out. The races looming ahead will keep me on track!
  • You need you find out what works for you. I have run marathons and I follow training plans. Last summer I was not motivated to run much so I started a streak. The streak motivates me. Find what works for you. Your post is from a month ago, but I hope you are still running. My streak is not great, but today was day 204.