What Exercises Do You Enjoy Most???



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Step ups with weight plate
    Donkey kicks with dumbbell
    Glute kickbacks with lateral resistance bands
    Glute bridges with weight plate
    Romanian deadlifts

    Bicep curls (with dumbbells, barbells, and cables)
    Overhead tricep extension with dumbbell
    Chair dips

    Chest flys
    Dumbbell press
    Chest press
    Cable crossover

    Russian twists
    Sit ups with medicine ball

    Lat pull downs
    Bent-over barbell row
    One-arm dumbbell row
    Seated cable row
  • eeelizabeth2012
    eeelizabeth2012 Posts: 132 Member
    I enjoy walking and weights. I like to dance too... but there is not much around here for things like Zumba, etc.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Weightlifting. Favorite move: Clean and press. When I press that barbell over my head, I feel like the most powerful woman...ever. I found a move that combines my favorite with my least favorite move...the dreaded burpee. Good thing I workout at home, because the sounds that come out of me when I make it through my reps are inhuman and scares the dog.
  • ajohncboi
    Mycophilia wrote: »
    Lifting weights!

    I agree!
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    lilawolf wrote: »
    Krav Maga is my favorite. Nothing like burning tons of calories while hitting things as hard as you can :). Great for patience and serenity in the rest of my life, confidence in knowing how to protect myself, feeling like a ninja, feeling strong.... The camaraderie is also good and helps me push further than I would on my own. Just one class also very nearly pays for my Friday bottle of wine.

    I also like powerlifting for some of the same reasons though trade the camaraderie for great music and "me" time. Some of my best thinking happens during my lifting time. (ETA: I do Stronglifts 5x5. Anyone at any level can start the program for free with access to a gym)

    I want to try krav maga. That sounds fun.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    It's not a common one on here, but for me it's basketball. Getting out, trying to perfect my techniques, and just the overall nature of the sport keeps me motivated.
  • rupenchawda
    Leg day is by far the best and the best exercise of all is SQUATS. You burn alot of calories by just doing squats as it is a compound move and targets multiple muscles and keeps your core engaged.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I enjoy certain classes at my gym (Zumba, cardio barre, kettlebells, a circuit training class called Sweat-- it also depends on the instructor and the music), pilates equipment classes, iyengar yoga, biking (outdoors), swimming.

    Specific exercises I like-- lower body stuff because that is what I need! I enjoy squats and leg raises the most.

    I also like core work because for some reason I have always had really strong abs, so core classes allow me to show off a bit.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I do outdoor classes with a fantastic group of people, we work out outside all year round. We do lots of different things such as kettlebells, 20:20:20 (cardio, strength, core), boxing, and circuits using weights, vprs, or our own body weight. No class is the same and it's the only thing I've ever stuck at!
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I love working with weights. I started 5x5s a while ago, and now I look forward to my lifting days. It's so funny to me, because not too long ago I absolutely hated it.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    Bike riding. Nothing can compare to 10+ miles on a bike when it's the right temperature outside with the right music and right road. :)
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    Walking outdoors. Four days a week I walk with friends and I enjoy the company. Two days a week I walk in the woods alone and it's very meditative. I also like to bike. I go to the gym a 2-3 times a week but that's not my favorite way to get exercise
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    Running. And burpees. I <3 Burpees.
  • calico55
    calico55 Posts: 18 Member
    Currently, Curves, as I haven't time or places to do anything else.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    For me, cycling and running. I enjoy running because it's almost meditative for me: I get into a state when I'm just in the moment, thinking about the feeling of moving my legs up and down and propelling myself forward. I occasionally think about other things, but largely I'm just running and nothing else.

    I get into a similar state when cycling, but because I usually am exercising somewhat less intensely on the bike than when running, I enjoy the place I'm riding more attentively. There's nothing like hopping on the bike and riding for 3-4 hours up into the hills, past burbling brooks, ponds where I might surprise a heron or a muskrat, through forests, up and down steep dirt roads, with a stop or two at a market or coffee shop for a snack.

    I also enjoy hiking and cross-country skiing, but I don't do them as often. The last couple years haven't been good for skiing where I live; it has been cold, but the occasional thaw has wiped out the good snow. Hopefully things will be better this year.

    Exercising indoors is a lot less fun. I've been running outside this winter, with spikes on my shoes if needed. I've been cycling indoors, but only to keep up my strength and stamina for the first outdoor ride, whenever that is!
  • Phoebeg1723
    Phoebeg1723 Posts: 88 Member
    Zumba spinning and walking x