Exercise and eating


I am using diet chef and MFP to help me loose weight. 3.6lbs off so far


  • Congrats! It feels great to know you're making progress, doesn't it? Best of luck on the rest of your journey.
  • nataliemush
    nataliemush Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you

    Oops though, half my message was missing!

    With Diet Chef I have 1200 calories a day. If I work off 200 calories on the rowing machine am I meant to eat another 200? Is it that exercising buys you more to eat?
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, unless you are intending part of your deficit to be exercise induced rather than gained through eating less. Many people only eat back a percentage of exercise calories due to inaccuracies with exercise calorie calculation.
  • nataliemush
    nataliemush Posts: 16 Member
    I don't understand the first part of your answer
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    Generally to lose weight you try to create a calorie deficit. Assuming your total energy outlay is the energy needed to live at whatever your standard daily level of activity is PLUS any additional dedicated exercise you do, you could eat enough to cover your standard activity existence and rely on the exercise for deficit. If your meal plan is intended to create the deficit itself, then yes you can eat back the exercise calories without threatening your goal.
  • nataliemush
    nataliemush Posts: 16 Member
    I would have stated no exercise as I don't have a set routine for when I can do any. I have lost 3.4 lbs in a week but have 1.5-2 stone to lose so want to keep on track. I'm not sure what weight I should aim for as the lower end of the bmi scale seems ridiculously low!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    If you are following MFP's calorie goal guidelines… then your entire calorie deficit for your desired weight loss is included in that number. Basically, its assuming you don't exercise. Therefore, if you exercise, then yes… eat back your exercise calories.

    But as you are getting your calorie goal from Diet Chef… we don't know if they have accounted for your exercise already or not. If yes… then don't eat those extra calories. If no… then eat them.

    However… given that they are only giving you 1200 calories… I'm assuming you could probably eat back your calories. Just be careful. Because people tend to overestimate the amount of calories they burn.
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    I don't know my goal weight either, but have quite a chunk to shed. Will worry about end point when much nearer to it!
  • nataliemush
    nataliemush Posts: 16 Member
    My rowing machine is pretty good and tells me what I have burnt off. I can also set it to beep when a certain amount have been burned off.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    The way MFP is set up is that you eat back your exercise calories. MFP is set up to give you a deficit if you didn't workout, so when you do workout, you eat those calories back.

    And eating only 1200 calories, you'll need to eat your exercise calories back so that you net 1200 calories.
  • nataliemush
    nataliemush Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone