Help??! Calories in sandwhich

So at home I made a nice healthy tuna salad (tuna, celery, corn, lemon juice and a tablespoon of mustard). I didn't have time to measure it this morning when I put it on a sandwich. I put the calories higher than ( I think) it should be. Does this look right? More or less? The sandwhich bread is only 90 calories for sure (: 97upufa94vc6.jpg


  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    HI there it looks like you also added all your fruits for your lunch. Including your yogurt.
  • busseybl
    busseybl Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah, it looks right if you ate the sandwich, yogurt, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, & special K as well!
  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    Huh? The sandwich is only 200-something calories. You also added yogurt, fruit, and cereal to the lunch section which is making the total 616 calories.
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    That does not look like four ounces of tuna. Did you use the entire can? It doesn't look like enough. Can't tell without weighing, but that doesn't look like much more than one ounce. Same with the celery - doesn't look like one cup.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I don't think that's 4 oz of tuna (looks more like 2 to me), but otherwise it looks right.