Post Surgery Recovery and Fitness

Seeking friends who are going through or have gone through recovery after a surgery. I am 8 weeks post op of my arm/wrist/hand. I had a median nerve entrapment in my forearm, had my thumb & wrist joints reconstructed and a band of fascia taken out of my elbow.

For the first two weeks, I was miserable and thought, "I'll never be able to do the things I love to do again." Well, I realized I need to look at my progress week by week not day by day. I've come leaps and bounds now and am back to working out again, slow but at least I'm moving!

Here's the thing, before surgery, I was in full force, loved lifting weights and was preparing myself for what I knew would be a "restart." I am looking at this as my new, second "before."

Anyone else out there? Let's help keep each other moving!