Nursing student in need of help w/dropping the weight

I am also a nursing student!! Stressing and stress eating! I currently work as a phlebotomist and am a CMA. Love what I do but want to drop some weight before summer! Idk how its going to work though with school lol!! Please help!! How us everyone dropping the weight??


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Former nursing student, current nurse. I fully appreciate the amount of stress you live with at the moment. You just have to make the conscious decision that eating will not relieve stress in the long run. If your eating is out of control and that causes you to gain weight, that will eventually become a source of stress in and of itself. Once you become a nurse you want to be an example your patients can follow. I can tell you first hand, it was quite embarrassing for me telling a patient that losing weight was necessary for them when I was 100+ lbs overweight myself. Now I can show them pictures of my formerly obese self, and say things like "I know what it's like to need to lose weight, but I can assure you it's both possible, and worth it to put in all the hard work."

    In order to lose weight you must eat less calories per day then you burn. That is accomplished by tracking EVERYTHING you eat on myfitnesspal. If you are not losing weight over the course of a few weeks tracking diligently, then you need to reduce calories. You can eat whatever foods you want so long as you meet your calorie goals. That being said, minimally processed, whole foods tend to be the best choices as they provide you with the greatest amount of satiety relative to their caloric content. That's not to say you cannot eat less nutritious foods in moderation, you can and you should. Depriving yourself of the things you enjoy will lead to failure.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,569 Member
    edited January 2015
    I graduated as an LPN on August 6th, took my NCLEX-PN on September 5th. Aced it in 85!

    Summer semester was super stressful, 32-40hrs/week of school/clinicals, plus at least 20hrs/week of reading/studying/writing, plus I have four kids. I have lost weight (started April 18th) and just started back to school to finish my RN (ADN) this semester, will graduate in December, plus I work part-time at a sporting goods store (I gave up trying to find a full-time LPN job when I got accepted to go back to school, in early November).

    I fully expect I will continue to lose weight during the three semesters necessary to graduate in December, despite the stress and all, because I stopped making excuses and just did it.
