
Tishae Posts: 17 Member
So before I started my weightloss journey I became 191 lbs after having my baby girl. I looked at myself in the mirror in complete shock at how my body looked. I have never been this big before in my life. I use to weigh 145 lbs. None of my clothes fit and I just looked like a big sloppy ball of fat I knew then I had to change but not only for myself but for my child. Because so my health issues run on both sides of my family. Well I started my journey too get on the right foot as far as eating I cut out sodas and started to eat healthier. I lost 12.1 lbs. Now Im working out about 5 days a week in addition to eating healtier. But now Im freaking 182 lbs what in the hell could I be doing wrong. I really need to lose this weight but I get discouraged when I see the scale move up and not down. I want to lose the fat and then tone. But Im not losing weight to even tone smh. I don't know what to do at this point. And believe me eating healthier has been a struggle since I work 3rd shift 12 hr days and taking care of a 10 month old. I need some pointers on how to get this scale to move. I really don't want to quit because I felt so much better when I lost the 12.1 lbs. and that was like a month ago and nothing else have changed since then. Please help!!!


  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    So, let me understand...you'd lost 12 pounds in two months and that's a failure?

    I think you need to reassess reality, to be honest.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    First: you've lost a reasonable amount of weight so far.

    Just a heads up, people will need to see your food diary to advise you, so you should open that now instead of having it private.

    I will say right now that the most probable cause is that you aren't eating enough for your current size and activity level. Figure out your TDEE using this calculator with the "20% reduction for fat loss" option. That is the number of calories you should be eating to lose weight.

    This is probably higher (maybe much higher) than the number of calories you are currently set at. Increase your calories by 100 per week until you hit the right number. Expect your weight to stay the same as you increase your calories, then it will start dropping again.

    Here is the calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
  • haidos
    haidos Posts: 69
    It's not just about cutting things out of your diet you should still be paying attention to the calorific content and making sure there is a deficit.

    If it's just the scales getting you down try to weigh yourself every two weeks or month. that way you're more likely to see the results you want and you wont get so down about the number going up.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    it is ok that you gained a few back after losing the 12.1 , weight fluctuates, and your weight loss won't be linear :)

    You say that you are woking out 5 days a week, it is possible that you added some muscle :) Are your clothes fitting better?

    Or maybe you need to tweak the calorie amounts or something else :)
  • throgmar
    throgmar Posts: 16 Member
    dude.... 12 lbs? Are you kidding? You're awesome.

    Just relax. Let the site do the math and move on. Just don't lie to the calculator, or yourself, and you'll get there.

    If you have to stress it, pace while you fret, and list it under "cardio".
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
  • Marchandite
    Marchandite Posts: 5 Member
    I feel your pain - the game changer for me has been food tracking which i resisted forever. what a difference that makes.
    I think is ok to be "discouraged" but its NOT ok to give up or quit - you will be in far worse shape.
    make this a learning moment.

    NB. by typing these words, its also a reminder to me :)
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    You've had a great start! 12 lbs is awesome. Are you taking body measurements? Pictures? I encourage you to do these things. Especially if you have added any form of exercise to your routine. When I started exercising, I stalled for several weeks. Then the weigh started coming off at a rate of 1 lb per week, which is what I had set my goal at. It may have been a little more or less each week, but I only have a dial scale, so it only reads the whole weight, not the ounces. But what kept me from getting discouraged when I didn't lose was my measurements. The scale wasn't moving, but the tape was getting smaller. Now, I am kind of in a stall, but you have to keep on keeping on, it may happen slow, but it will happen!
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Is your diary open? Perhaps we can start there? It sounds like it's a few pounds, which can often be attributed to when you are weighing yourself, water retention (possible with too much sodium).

    I tend to fluctuate up to two pounds over a week, but I don't let it get to me. Focus on the long term and don't pay too much attention to the scales. Are you measuring yourself? That's probably the best way to guage your progress.

    Turn your frustration into motivation, and move forward!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    So, let me understand...you'd lost 12 pounds in two months and that's a failure?

    I think you need to reassess reality, to be honest.

  • Tishae
    Tishae Posts: 17 Member
    This is kind how my day goes on my work days..when I get home around 730 am I eat a mcmuffin or drink a protein shake go to sleep then wake up around 2 pm and eat salmon and rice or a lean cuisine dinner then snack on a piece of fruit around 6 pm by then im headed to work...I get to work I probably wont eat nothing until 10 pm..then snack again on a breakfast bar..then around 2 am I go work out then eat oatmeal around 4 430 in the morning..then repeat this over again...on my days off its more balanced and I drink about a liter or 2 of eater everyday...I started losing weight around end of March I believe
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    This is kind how my day goes on my work days..when I get home around 730 am I eat a mcmuffin or drink a protein shake go to sleep then wake up around 2 pm and eat salmon and rice or a lean cuisine dinner then snack on a piece of fruit around 6 pm by then im headed to work...I get to work I probably wont eat nothing until 10 pm..then snack again on a breakfast bar..then around 2 am I go work out then eat oatmeal around 4 430 in the morning..then repeat this over again...on my days off its more balanced and I drink about a liter or 2 of eater everyday...I started losing weight around end of March I believe

    Doesn't seem like much.
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    I felt like this yesterday. I hadn't lost in about 2 weeks, and I started to get discouraged. Once I checked my measurements, though, I noticed I had actually lost quite a bit even if the scale wasn't showing it. Measure your self, weigh occasionally and don't give up!
  • Tishae
    Tishae Posts: 17 Member
    @ marchadite Ive tried logging what I eat its hard to try and keep up with it though but its no excuse I could do better..and thank you for your encouraging words

    @gracie lynn I just measured a couple of days ago to try an keep up that way..and I took pics at the beginning and I do see a difference in my stomach but that's about it..and thanks for your encouraging words

    Also what does TDEE mean..I new to all of this Im really lost when it comes to eating and working out properly..Im flying by the seat of my pants I just eat what I think is right and work out...I just started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I do a lot of pilates at work as far as working out
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    I know how that feels...struggled through a five week plateau while I figured out the math for my appetite and activity level. I finally took my waist measurement and the number horrified me...then I realized what the number had been in August. I had lost 5 3/4 inches. Finally last Monday the scale budged--had a whoosh loss of 4.9 pounds after weeks of nothing. Averaging everything out, it's been .8 pounds down weekly since August and I know that it will be permanent because it's based on lifestyle changes. Hang in there, be honest to yourself about everything you are doing, and trust the math. It will happen, just not as fast as the way tv and magazines lead us to believe.
  • Tishae
    Tishae Posts: 17 Member
    ok thank you I did that... and im seriously under eating now I gotta figured how to get to that number
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    @ marchadite Ive tried logging what I eat its hard to try and keep up with it though but its no excuse I could do better..and thank you for your encouraging words

    @gracie lynn I just measured a couple of days ago to try an keep up that way..and I took pics at the beginning and I do see a difference in my stomach but that's about it..and thanks for your encouraging words

    Also what does TDEE mean..I new to all of this Im really lost when it comes to eating and working out properly..Im flying by the seat of my pants I just eat what I think is right and work out...I just started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I do a lot of pilates at work as far as working out

    TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure. It's the number of calories your body burns in a day and also the number of calories you'd need to eat to maintain your current weight. Eat anything below your TDEE and you should lose weight. You can find plenty of calculators online to figure yours out, like this one: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Tishae
    Tishae Posts: 17 Member
    that's awesome five week plateau is a long time Im glad it turned around for you keep up the good work...and thank you for encouraging words
  • Tishae
    Tishae Posts: 17 Member
    @ marchadite Ive tried logging what I eat its hard to try and keep up with it though but its no excuse I could do better..and thank you for your encouraging words

    @gracie lynn I just measured a couple of days ago to try an keep up that way..and I took pics at the beginning and I do see a difference in my stomach but that's about it..and thanks for your encouraging words

    Also what does TDEE mean..I new to all of this Im really lost when it comes to eating and working out properly..Im flying by the seat of my pants I just eat what I think is right and work out...I just started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I do a lot of pilates at work as far as working out

    TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure. It's the number of calories your body burns in a day and also the number of calories you'd need to eat to maintain your current weight. Eat anything below your TDEE and you should lose weight. You can find plenty of calculators online to figure yours out, like this one: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Ok so what is the BMR??
  • anbrim
    anbrim Posts: 5 Member
    My advice would be the throw out your scale especially if you are working out that much! Instead, break out the measuring tape! You'll also want to make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of protein since you are probably gaining muscle with your work outs! Suck that water down as well! Good luck!