Cardio - What do you do?

Hi all!

My current goal in my journey is fat loss.

My current cardio routine consists of stationary bike intervals 3-4 times a week. My routine is 1 minute low intensity (level 6) and 1 minute high intensity (level 15; as hard as I can). I do this for 15 minutes. Sorry about the levels. Other bikes may vary. But the end of this workout, I am completely exhausted. It is the most taxing cardio routine I have done yet.

After that cardio session, I lift weights. I will do one of my arm or leg routines which each consist of 3 moves, 3 sets each for 8-10 reps.

Could anyone shed some light on my routine? What I could do to improve it?

In addition, what is your favorite form of cardio?


  • EntropyIgnited
    EntropyIgnited Posts: 33 Member
    Add something fun! When I work out at home I follow up pilates with a weighted hula hoop.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm no expert at things, so I won't offer advice, but I can tell you what I do and why.

    M, W, F - Stronglifts (barbell lifting program)
    I alternate between two different workouts:
    • A: Squats, OHP, Deadlift, Chin Ups
    • B: Squats, Bench Press, Barbell Rows, Dips

    I was originally just following the Android Apps' weight increase recommendation, but I have found that I've exhausted my "noob gains" period and my cut is now impacting my strength gains. So I'm now focusing more on form and making sure I'm doing the lifts correctly and only increasing the weight by 5lbs across the board every week.

    Why I do this:
    I like lifting, for one. It's like therapy, but I much more cathartic. It also is helping me develop my muscles. If you're looking to "tone" or look good when naked, weight lifting is necessary. As a woman, lifting doesn't make you look huge - I'm a short little lady and all it's done for me is get rid of arm flab and make my back look lovely. It's also helped with back pain and has drastically improved my speed and agility at karate, my sport of choice.

    I plan to transition to kettlebell or bodyweight centric work outs once I reach my barbell lifting goals and reduce my barbell lifting to once a week. This is more so to see how other methods of training impact my performance at karate to see if there's a method that works better for me.

    T, Thu - HIIT Cardio
    I'm working through an 8 week HIIT progression that will take me from 60:15 second rest:work intervals to 15:30 intervals. I use the Stationary Bike (one of the ones with manual resistance - not one with a screen) because it's easier on my knee (Runner's Knee and Jumper's Knee in the right) and easier to switch intervals quickly. It also has more of a low-body position which uses similar muscle groups to the stance I take while sparring.

    Depending on how my body feels or how rushed my morning is, I will sometimes throw in a Kettlebell Tabata routine. This is just clipped out of a magazine, so I don't really think it's that effective, but I like how the routine forces me to be conscious of my form and movements. Kettlebells are also similar to a traditional karate training tool, so I want to try using them more.

    Why I do this:
    Sparring for me is a lot of waiting and waiting, then a flurry of activity and chasing, then more waiting. It's 2 or more minutes of constant readiness and batting at the other person like a cat on crack. HIIT helps with recovery after bursts of activity and the use of a stationary bike helps me work on leg endurance in a low position. I've only just started this and I haven't had a chance to do extensive sparring in a while, so I'm not sure if this will pay off.

    On the other hand, I like having a 30 minute work out that totally torches me.

    But to answer the last question, my favourite form of cardio is endurance running with a podcast or Zombies, Run! playing in my headphones. There's just something great about letting the world run past and going for a good long run. I injured my knee a year and a half ago and have only just been able to start running long distances again and I love it even more now.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    I'd lift weights before cardio. Lifting weights will deplete your glycogen stores so you will burn more actually fat during cardio.
  • Phoebeg1723
    Phoebeg1723 Posts: 88 Member
    While on your bike why don't you try standing under as well as sitting down and also doing some jumps (where you stand up and sit down straight away, repeatedly over and over). Also if you want to increase your core strength, try cycling with your hands on your hips or behind your back.

    You're doing everything right. Cardio followed by strength training, just remember, if you want tone, it's lower weights with higher reps. If you want to bulk up, it's higher weights with low reps.

    So I would say, maybe try increasing the reps. Each day try and push yourself a little more by adding one of two more reps.
    Hope this helps some x
  • bcerk
    bcerk Posts: 41
    Thank you for all of your responses! I appreciate all of your feedback and will incorporate some into my program!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Do a full body compound movement based strength program 3x a week. Then do your bike routine afterwards. And maybe 1 day instead of intervals do a steady state medium intensity bike day.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I'm not really qualified to critique your routine, though it sounds good to me.

    Since it's dark when I'm home during the week right now, most of my cardio is Zumba, walking on the treadmill, or the bits of cardio in Brazil Butt Lift. On the weekends, I might hike or chop wood, depending on need and weather.

    In nicer weather most of my cardio comes from work around our farm, hiking and riding my bike.
  • bcerk
    bcerk Posts: 41
    Just an update!:

    I started doing weights before cardio and I LOVE IT. I used to get gassed out on cardio and when I started lifting, I had no adrenaline left. Now, I use all of my initial energy to lift heavy (for me) and then knock out cardio after. Its a simple switch but it feels a hellofalot better!

    Also, I switched from split days (arms, legs, arms, legs) and created two full-body workout routines and switch them out (weights 1, rest, weights 2, rest, weights 1, rest, etc...). I squat everyday I lift. I'm really enjoying myself and think this program will suit me well!

    In addition I upped my calorie intake to 1550 and will no longer log exercise calories. Lets see how this goes!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    bcerk wrote: »
    Just an update!:

    I started doing weights before cardio and I LOVE IT. I used to get gassed out on cardio and when I started lifting, I had no adrenaline left. Now, I use all of my initial energy to lift heavy (for me) and then knock out cardio after. Its a simple switch but it feels a hellofalot better!

    Also, I switched from split days (arms, legs, arms, legs) and created two full-body workout routines and switch them out (weights 1, rest, weights 2, rest, weights 1, rest, etc...). I squat everyday I lift. I'm really enjoying myself and think this program will suit me well!

    In addition I upped my calorie intake to 1550 and will no longer log exercise calories. Lets see how this goes!

    Great plan!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I suppose lying on the couch and breathing fast while watching a scary movie doesn't count.

    oh well. I tried.