

  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    edited January 2015
    i follow this plan: tb510gbked0i.jpg

    Here's the website:

    I dont follow all that other stuff about the supplements and such though, just use it for the routine!

    Ohhhh, and don't be afraid to lift heavy(:
  • maxwellnyce
    maxwellnyce Posts: 23 Member
    The fundamental rule of losing weight: Calories in < calories out.

    CONSISTENTLY and HONESTLY follow the Myfitnesspal calorie recommendations and exercise regularly. is a good resource for exercise plans and tutorials on how to perform those exercises. Just stay away from the supplement section.

    There is ZERO scientific evidence to support the notion that lifting light weights at high repetitions is somehow better for women. This is "broscience."
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I cant afford supps anyway! haha

    I have a healthy diet although I do need to up my protein intake... Thanks.

    I have looked into at jamies easons 12 weeks plan, I like the sound of it but I cant go to the gym four days as I have work placement and cant afford gym fees yet and I have a lot of uni deadlines at the beginning of February so at the moment my focus is 100% on that... I can only manage 2 evenings at the gym.

    I might start with the 5x5 stronglifts twice a week because its simple and only a few moves to master, and its not a regime that requires different days for different body parts.

    When I hand in all my uni work I could move onto something more challenging like jamie easons 12 week programme.
  • bos10fit
    bos10fit Posts: 80 Member
    I am a crazy muscle head female haha.

    My routine is as follows:

    Chest, Back, Shoulders, Bis, Tris

    Calves, quads, glutes, hammys

    CARDIO & Core


    Chest, back, shoulders, bis, tris

    Calves, quads, glutes, hammys


    The problem is, the hours I put in the gym per week due to high volume of weights is roughly 9. has a complete library for each body part. Great to check out.
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    edited January 2015
    Your best bet is to start with Stronglifts as you were considering since it includes compound moves instead of isolation. Jamie Eason's Live Fit is a great program but I find it's a lot for someone who just started.

    Full body workouts 2-3x a week (or a upper/lower split) is best for someone who's just starting.

    I personnally started with the New Rules of Lifting and loved it as it teached me a lot. Then I did Jamie Eason's program.
    You can also check out Strong Curves, I think it has you training 3 or 4x a week.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    The fundamental rule of losing weight: Calories in < calories out.

    CONSISTENTLY and HONESTLY follow the Myfitnesspal calorie recommendations

    There is ZERO scientific evidence to support the notion that lifting light weights at high repetitions is somehow better for women. This is "broscience."

    The MFP calorie recommendations are debatable as they are often a little extreme and under-shoot protein needs. If it works for you then great but don't be surprised if you need to go the TDEE route.

    I don't know about clinical research but I have both talked to and read from many strength & conditioning coaches that their female clients tend to respond better to higher volume. I don't know if there's any real-science behind it or not as I have not taken the time to look, but when a large body of professionals state something like this there's probably something to it. I'm not talking about anything extreme either; not saying instead of 5x5 do 5x20.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Hi OP,
    Since money, time and knowledge of exercises is an issue, how about body weight exercises or yoga? There's a series on YouTube called your body is your gym or something similar to that. Resistance bands are also a good option.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I have a healthy diet although I do need to up my protein intake...

    Yup. If you start lifting, at your weight, something in the neighborhood of 100 g of protein would be a good target. The "standard" advice of 1 g / pound is easy to remember, but way overkill.
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I can only manage 2 evenings at the gym.

    I might start with the 5x5 stronglifts twice a week because its simple and only a few moves to master, and its not a regime that requires different days for different body parts

    Good plan. There are only 5 lifts in 5x5, but compound lifts have a lot of nuances, and take a while to master (nice thing about both SS and SL is that they start light, so you can work on form and range of motion at first). And mastering those lifts will carry forward into any intermediate program you choose to do further down the road. If you don't have an experienced coach or trainer, I'd recommend you pick up a copy of "Starting Strength" (under $10 US in Kindle format) -- it has great discussions of the mechanics of all but the Pendlay row. I found it invaluable starting out.
  • ckmnacln
    ckmnacln Posts: 370 Member
    I am 5'2" and 110. I do a different muscle group each time, and try and do it once a week but sometimes it ends up being twice a week. I do workout everyday but that's because it's my favorite thing in the world to do. I don't lift super heavy, usually 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

    I found that by searching different apps for my phone I was able to find one I liked to keep track of the exercises/weights/etc.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I started with StrongLifts and did very well with it. I also started without a trainer and, whilst I got on okay, having an expert in your corner will make a world of difference.

    Which uni are you at in Wales? Have you contemplating looking to see if they have a university weightlifting or powerlifting club?

    Let's face it, most of us girls pick up a barbell because we want to lose weight, look hot and be able to be thinner whilst eating more, so what bigger motivation could there be than the fact that I know that these girls ALL have their cake and eat it!

    (The Welsh Ladies' Powerlifting Team)

  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I am at uni an hour and a half away from where I live but because I am on work placement closer to home I drive every day. I finish uni in 3 weeks when i hand in all my work.

    So then I will be able to focus on fitness more than I am now, however I go to Metafit class twice and week and running twice a week at the moment and I am really enjoying it. I can see improvement in my endurance already!

    I want to loose body fat fast! Im going to start on 5x5 but change it to 3x12 and do that twice a week until I hand in my work. Its not too complex and I can get the basics before moving on to a more specific routine.

    I will get the New rules for lifting book but at the moment im so skint! Only three weeks till i qualify and start earning money :)
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    ckmnacln wrote: »
    I am 5'2" and 110. I do a different muscle group each time, and try and do it once a week but sometimes it ends up being twice a week. I do workout everyday but that's because it's my favorite thing in the world to do. I don't lift super heavy, usually 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

    I found that by searching different apps for my phone I was able to find one I liked to keep track of the exercises/weights/etc.

    What app do you use? And you weight train only once a week?
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I'm going to start on 5x5 but change it to 3x12...

    <sigh> Bad idea. You don't have the experience to go screwing with an established program, and dollars to donuts you don't have the strength to bench or overhead press the bar (even the woman's bar) for 12 reps out of the gate. Either go with the 3x5 format of SS or the 5x5 format of SL, but 3x12 is just craziness.

  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    What are you saying that even the bar without weights will be too heavy for me to do 12 reps?
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I can squat 40kg 3 sets of 12. I have done it before but never stuck it out
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    edited January 2015
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    What are you saying that even the bar without weights will be too heavy for me to do 12 reps?

    Yup. Men's olympic bar is 20kg -- I truly doubt you could do 3x12 of that on the bench or OHP without major form issues. If you're lucky, your gym would have a woman's bar (15kg), which you might be able to work cleanly. But if you're working out twice a week, you'll be adding 2.25kg a week following SL programming -- trying to increase at that rate while doing 12 reps will just have you failing all the time if you don't blow out your shoulders first. Hell, I'm not sure you could ramp with microplates without risking injury.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    well I dont know the weights of the bars etc so first session will be trial and error, see how many I can manage. If i am struggling i am obviously not going to carry on to 12 and hurt myself...
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    If you can't make it to a gym look up You Are Your Own Gym. He has an app you can download with a bunch of bodyweight workouts you can do at home :) Good luck!
  • maxwellnyce
    maxwellnyce Posts: 23 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I cant afford supps anyway! haha

    I have a healthy diet although I do need to up my protein intake... Thanks.

    I have looked into at jamies easons 12 weeks plan, I like the sound of it but I cant go to the gym four days as I have work placement and cant afford gym fees yet and I have a lot of uni deadlines at the beginning of February so at the moment my focus is 100% on that... I can only manage 2 evenings at the gym.

    I might start with the 5x5 stronglifts twice a week because its simple and only a few moves to master, and its not a regime that requires different days for different body parts.

    When I hand in all my uni work I could move onto something more challenging like jamie easons 12 week programme.

    The 5x5 stronglift is a great program and is the one I still use. It keeps weight training simplified and straight-forward without neglecting body parts, which is excellent for those beginning an exercise program. As other members mentioned, having a coach to help you with proper form is a great idea. Also, don't forget about warming up and stretching.

    As for the protein, more certainly wouldn't hurt. What's important is to find a calorie level netting results and includes adequate amounts of vitamins/minerals. The MFP recommendations ARE a good place to start. is also good. You can make small adjustments as you go.

    If you are curious, there's actually a lot of research on weight/rep ranges and the physiologic response to each. has a quite a few cited articles on the topic.

    Best of luck to you!